Internet Of Things

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The Internet of Things is the general concept of network devices to capture and collect data from the environment and then share that data over the internet where it can be processed and used for various interesting purposes.

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45 Days

Course Details

The Internet of Things is the general concept of network devices to capture and collect data from the environment and then share that data over the internet where it can be processed and used for various interesting purposes.

IoT-based systems connect the Internet to the physical world with the help of ubiquitous sensors. Availability of low-cost sensors and long-range wireless technologies The connectivity gap has been closed.

The subject conveys basic concepts of the IOT through real-time applications and working on various microcontroller boards and hardware interfaces in order to understand practical aspects of the topic.

Topics covered include concepts of embedded, networking, sensing, communication protocols, and cloud services such as Node-Red that are intended to be connected to IOT devices. Even advanced concepts of the IOT are covered by real-time applications and case studies.

Students are encouraged to work on real-time projects in order to better understand the implementation of ideas from a hardware and software perspective.

Topics covered include concepts of security concerns in IOT systems, the role of the IOT in different domains with all possible paths, communication protocols, how AI and IOT work together, and case studies.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts of the Internet of Things. The main objective of the course is to get the students to learn and implement real-time IOT applications. The course covers understanding how basic embedded devices and microcontroller and microprocessor chips work.

 Discussions about the functionality of various environmental sensors and their interfaces to microcontroller chips are covered. Basic understanding of various communication protocols and communication technologies for implementing IOT applications as well as the general concept of cloud computing and working with the IBM Cloud for device communication with the cloud are included.



  • Module – I  
  • Introduction to IOT and Sensing: Definition of the Internet of Things, history of the IOT, definition of IOT from various resources, basic components, applications and advantages of IOT systems, problems and challenges faced by current IOT systems.
  • Introduction to microcontrollers and microprocessors, comparison between microcontrollers and processors, characteristics of different microcontroller boards like AT89C51, PIC16F877A, ATMEGA8 and development boards like Arduino uno, Arduino nano, Arduino Lily, Mega etc. Description of the microprocessor development board Raspberry Pi and its different models.
  • Sensor technology: Define the sensor technology, description of the converter, converter compared to sensors, properties of an ideal sensor, sensor resolution, sensor class and sensor types according to data type and output type, sensory deviations and errors.
  • Networking: Basic concept of networking, classification of different communication network technologies based on their range estimates, different network topologies with their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Module – II
  • Accessing GPIO and interfacing led’s, segment and lcd with Arduino:  Access to GPIO, working with digital I / O, LED interfaces and programming, creating delay functions, generating different patterns on LED.
  • Introduction to 7-segment display, connection of 7-segment display with Arduino, programming of 7-segment display, 0-9 counters, programming of multiplexed 7-segments, 00-99 counters.
  • Introduction to buttons and buzzer and how they work, connection of button and buzzer with Arduino, program for controlling LEDs with the button and for controlling the buzzer via the button. Introduction to the LCD and its pinout, hardware connections from LCD to Arduino, LCD programming to display text on the LCD, LCD program to display moving messages, display the counter on the LCD.
  • Module – III
  • Motors, Relay, Keypad and Bluetooth interfacing with Arduino: Introduction to DC gear motor, role of motor driver IC L293D, hardware connections of DC gear motor with Arduino and program to control its rotation, introduction to servo motor and its principle of operation, hardware connection and angle control of servo.
  • Introduction to relay and its role in embedded systems. Relay interface with Arduino and program for controlling devices with relays. Introduction to the HC-05 bluetooth module, hardware connections of the bluetooth module with Arduino, program to control a guided mobile device with the bluetooth module.
  • Introduction to the keyboard and its internal architecture, hardware connections of the keyboard module with Arduino, program to display the values ??entered via the keyboard on the LCD.
  • Module – IV
  • Introduction to Sensors and Interfacing various sensors with Arduino:   Introduction to Sensors and their features, Classification of sensors and sensor resolution. Introduction to IR and its working, Hardware connections of IR Module with Arduino,Program to make an obstacle detection system using IR sensor. Introduction to Ultrasonic and DHT  and their working, Hardware connections Ultrasonic and DHT with Arduino. Program to make an obstacle distance measurement system using Ultrasonic  sensor, Program to make temperature and humidity meter using DHT11.
  • And more.
  • Mohali Branch

    E-39, Phase-8, Industrial Area, Sector -72, Mohali

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