Java is an object-oriented, class-based, concurrent, secured and general-purpose computer-programming language.
What is Java
Java OOPs Concepts
- Java Object Class
- Java Inheritance
- Java Polymorphism
- Java Abstraction
- Java Encapsulation
Java String
- Immutable String in Java
- Java String compare
- String Concatenation in Java
- Substring in Java
- Java String class methods
- Java StringBuffer class
- Java StringBuilder class
- Difference between String and StringBuffer
- Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
- How to create Immutable class?
- Java toString() method
- StringTokenizer in Java
Exception Handling
- Java try-catch block
- Java catch multiple exceptions
- Java Nested try block
- Java finally block
- Java throw exception
- Java Exception propagation
- Java throws keyword
- Difference between throw and throws in Java
- Difference between final, finally and finalize
- ExceptionHandling with MethodOverriding in Java
- Java Custom Exception
Java Inner Classes
- Java Member inner class
- Java Anonymous inner class
- Java Local inner class
- Java static nested class
- Java Nested Interface
Java Multithreading
- Multithreading in Java
- Life cycle of a Thread (Thread States)
- How to create thread
- Thread Scheduler in Java
- Sleep method in java
- Can we start a thread twice
- What if we call run() method directly instead start() method?
- The join() method
- Naming Thread and Current Thread
- Priority of a Thread (Thread Priority)
- Daemon Thread in Java
- Java Thread Pool
- ThreadGroup in Java
- Java Shutdown Hook
- How to perform single task by multiple threads?
- Java Garbage Collection
- Java Runtime class
Java Synchronization
- Synchronization in Java
- Synchronized block in java
- Static synchronization
- Deadlock in java
- Inter-thread communication in Java
- Interrupting a Thread
- Reentrant Monitor in Java
Java I/O
Java Serialization
- Serialization and Deserialization in Java
- Java Transient Keyword
Java Reflection
- Java Reflection API
- newInstance() method
- Understanding javap tool
- Creating a program that works as javap tool
- How to call private method from another class in java
Java Date and Time
Java Conversion
Collections in Java
- Java ArrayList class
- Java LinkedList class
- Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
- Java List Interface
- Java HashSet class
- Java LinkedHashSet class
- Java TreeSet class
- Java Queue Interface
- Java Deque Interface
- Java Map Interface
- Java HashMap class
- Java LinkedHashMap class
- Java TreeMap class
- Java Hashtable class
- Difference between HashMap and Hashtable
- Java EnumSet class
- Java EnumMap class
- Java Collections class
- Sorting in Collection
- Java Comparable interface
- Java Comparator interface
- Difference between Comparable and Comparator
- Properties class in Java