This Java course introduces delagates to principles of multithreading and using threads. Practical, Instructor-led.
Java Theads Course Description
Cycle of a Thread
Create a Thread by Implementing a Runnable Interface
Create a Thread by Extending a Thread Class
Processes and Threads, Thread Objects
Defining and Starting a Thread
Thread Methods
getName, setName, getId
Pausing Execution with Sleep
Thread Priorities
Thread Pools
Executors, Executor Interfaces, Thread Pools, Fork/Join,
What is thread synchronization?
Thread Interference,
Memory Consistency Errors,
Synchronized Methods
Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization,
Handling interthread communication
Handling thread deadlock
Major thread operations
Atomic Access, Liveness, Deadlock, Starvation and Livelock,
Concurrent Collections
Guarded Blocks, Immutable Objects
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