Java with Spring Boot

by Cleancode

Master Java Fundamentals, including syntax and control flow.Dive into exception handling and collections. Transition to Spring Framework, grasping Dependency Injection and IoC, along with AOP and Spring MVC architecture. Progress to Spring Boot and more.

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3 Months

Course Details

Master Java Fundamentals, including syntax and control flow.Dive into exception handling and collections. Transition to Spring Framework, grasping Dependency Injection and IoC, along with AOP and Spring MVC architecture. Progress to Spring Boot, exploring project structure and building RESTful APIs. Conclude with deployment and CI/CD practices.


Course Curriculum:

  • Part 1 - The Java
  •  Introduction to Java:
  • Overview of Java: Object-Oriented Programming (Two Paradigms, Abstraction, The Three OOP Principles), Using Blocks of Code, Lexical Issues (Whitespace, Identifiers, Literals, Comments, Separators, The Java Keywords). Data Types, Variables, and Arrays: The Primitive Types (Integers, Floating-Point Types, Characters, Booleans), Variables, Type Conversion and Casting, Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions, Arrays, Introducing Type Inference with Local Variables. Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators, The Assignment Operator, The ? Operator, Operator Precedence, Using Parentheses. Control Statements: Java’s Selection Statements (if, The Traditional switch), Iteration Statements (while, do-while, for, The For-Each Version of the for Loop, Local Variable Type Inference in a for Loop, Nested Loops), Jump Statements (Using break, Using continue, return).
  • Part 2 - Classes and Inheritance
  •  Classes and Inheritance :
  • Introducing Classes: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Assigning Object Reference Variables, Introducing Methods, Constructors, The this Keyword, Garbage Collection. Methods and Classes: Overloading Methods, Objects as Parameters, Argument Passing, Returning Objects, Recursion, Access Control, Understanding static, Introducing final, Introducing Nested and Inner Classes. Inheritance: Inheritance Basics, Using super, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When Constructors Are Executed, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract Classes, Using final with Inheritance, Local Variable Type Inference and Inheritance, The Object Class. Interfaces: Interfaces, Default Interface Methods, Use static Methods in an Interface, Private Interface Methods.
  • Part 3 - Packages, Exception, Multithreading and Enumerations
  •  Packages, Exception, Multithreading and Enumerations :
  • Packages: Packages, Packages and Member Access, Importing Packages. Exceptions: Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions, Using try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java’s Built-in Exceptions, Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses, Chained Exceptions. Multithreaded Programming: The Java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Using isAlive() and join(), Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Interthread Communication, Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads, Obtaining a Thread’s State. Enumerations, Type Wrappers and Autoboxing: Enumerations (Enumeration Fundamentals, The values() and valueOf() Methods), Type Wrappers (Character, Boolean, The Numeric Type Wrappers), Autoboxing (Autoboxing and Methods, Autoboxing/Unboxing Occurs in Expressions, Autoboxing/Unboxing Boolean and Character Values).
  • Part 4 - The Spring Framework
  •  Spring Framework :
  • The Spring Framework core concepts such as Bean Life Cycle, Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, and the understanding of Bean Factory and Application Context. In the realm of web development, Annotations, MVC Structure, and Configuration techniques, with an emphasis on seamlessly integrating diverse libraries and frameworks like Hibernate. Additionally, learners delve into the powerful domain of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), gaining insights into its mechanics, including how AOP works, creating PointCuts, JoinPoints, and Aspects. The syllabus further extends to the practical application of profiles, enabling learners to adeptly tailor application behavior across varying environments. This comprehensive curriculum provides a solid foundation for beginners to navigate the intricacies of the Spring Framework and develop proficient skills in Java application development.
  • Part 5 - The Spring Boot
  •  Spring Boot :
  • Introduction to Spring Boot, Setting up a basic Spring Boot project, Auto Configuration and adding custom configuration, Application properties and YAML configuration, Bean Life Cycle in Spring Boot. Web Applications: Introduction to Spring Boot Web, Spring Boot MVC Structure, Annotations for web development in Spring Boot, RESTful APIs with Spring Boot. Data Access with Spring Boot: Spring Data JPA in Spring Boot, Configuring data sources and repositories, CRUD operations with Spring Boot.Spring Boot and Security: Introduction to Spring Security, Authentication and Authorization in Spring Boot, Form Authentication, JWT (JSON Web Token) in Spring Boot. AOP in Spring Boot: Basics of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), Creating PointCut, JoinPoint, Aspect in Spring Boot. Advanced Spring Boot Topics: Profiles in Spring Boot, Integrating different libraries/frameworks (e.g., Hibernate), Customizing and extending Spring Boot applications. Spring Boot and Microservices: Microservices architecture overview, Spring Cloud Gateway, Config, Circuit Breaker, OpenFeign, Sleuth, Microservices Patterns: Aggregator, CQRS, SAGA, Event Sourcing. Spring Boot and Docker: Containerization of Spring Boot applications using Docker, Docker-compose for multi-container applications.
  • Belgaum Branch

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