Our Kafka course will teach admnistrators how to secure and administer a Kafka installation and how to engineer and maintain solutions for your streaming data needs.
Our Kafka course will teach admnistrators how to secure and administer a Kafka installation and how to engineer and maintain solutions for your streaming data needs.
Application developers will understand how to devleop robust applications that leverage the Kafka's API and implement best practice for application development.
Learn how to build flexible data pipelines that scale to handle your Big Data processing requirements.
Kafka Course Outline
Kafka Introduction
Overview of key concepts
Overview of ZooKeeper
Cluster, Nodes, Kafka Brokers
Consumers, Producers, Logs, Partitions, Records, Keys
Partitions for write throughput
Partitions for Consumer parallelism (multi-threaded consumers)
Replicas, Followers, Leaders
How to scale writes
Disaster recovery
Performance profile of Kafka
Consumer Groups, “High Water Mark”, what do consumers see
Consumer load balancing and fail-over
Working with Partitions for parallel processing and resiliency
Brief Overview of Kafka Streams, Kafka Connectors, Kafka REST
Create a topic
Produce and consume messages from the command line
Configure and set up three servers
Create a topic with replication and partitions
Produce and consume messages from the command line
Kafka Producer & Consumer Basics
Introduction to Producer Java API and basic configuration
Create topic from command line
View topic layout of partitions topology from command line
View log details
Use ./kafka-replica-verification.sh to verify replication is correct
Introduction to Consumer Java API and basic configuration
View how far behind the consumer is from the command line
Force failover and verify new leaders are chosen
Kafka Architecture
Motivation Focus on high-throughput
Embrace file system / OS caches and how this impacts OS setup and usage
File structure on disk and how data is written
Kafka Producer load balancing details
Producer Record batching by size and time
Producer async commit and commit (flush, close)
Pull vs poll and backpressure
Compressions via message batches (unified compression to server, disk and consumer)
Consumer poll batching, long poll
Consumer Trade-offs of requesting larger batches
Consumer Liveness and fail over redux
Managing consumer position (auto-commit, async commit and sync commit)
Messaging At most once, At least once, Exactly once
Performance trade-offs message delivery semantics
Performance trade-offs of poll size
Replication, Quorums, ISRs, committed records
Failover and leadership election
Log compaction by key
Failure scenarios
Advanced Kafka Producers
Using batching (time/size)
Using compression
Async producers and sync producers
Commit and async commit
Default partitioning (round-robin no key, partition on key if key)
Controlling which partition records are written to (custom partitioning)
Message routing to a particular partition (use cases for this)
Advanced Producer configuration
Use message batching and compression
Use round-robin partition
Use a custom message routing scheme
Embrace file system / OS caches and how this impacts OS setup and usage
Advanced Kafka Consumers
Adjusting poll read size
Implementing at most once message semantics using Java API
Implementing at least once message semantics using Java API
Implementing as close as we can get to exactly once Java API
Re-consume messages that are already consumed
Using ConsumerRebalanceListener to start consuming from a certain offset (consumer.seek*)
Assigning a consumer a specific partition (use cases for this)
Write Java Advanced Consumer
Adjusting poll read size
Implementing at most once message semantics using Java API
Implementing at least once message semantics using Java API
Implementing as close as we can get to exactly once Java API
Schema Management in Kafka
Avro overview
Avro Schemas
Flexible Schemas with JSON and defensive programming
Using Kafka’s Schema Registry
Topic Schema management
Validation of schema
Prevent producers that don’t align with topic schema
Validation of schema
Prevent Consumer from accepting unexpected schema / defensive programming
Prevent producers from sending messages that don’t align with schema registry
Kafka Security
SSL for Encrypting transport and Authentication
Setting up keys
Using SSL for authentication instead of username/password
Setup keystore for transport encryption
Setup truststore for authentication
Producer to server encryption
Consumer to server encryption
Kafka broker to Kafka broker encryption
SASL for Authentication
Overview of SASL
Integrating SASL with Active DirectoryAvro overview
Kafka Admin
OS config and hardware selection
Monitoring Kafka KPIs
Monitoring Consumer Lag (consumer group inspection)
Log Retention and Compaction
Fault tolerant Cluster
Growing your cluster
Reassign partitions
Broker configuration details
Topic configuration details
Producer configuration details
Consumer configuration details
ZooKeeper configuration details
Tools to managing ZooKeeper
Accessing JMX from command line
Using dump-log segment from command line
Replaying a log (replay log producer)
Re-consume messages that are already consumed
Setting Consumer Group Offset from command line
Kafka Migration Tool − migrate a broker from one version to another
Mirror Maker − Mirroring one Kafka cluster to another (one DC/region to another DC/region)
Kafka Streams
Architecture Overview
Design Patterns
Jumping Bean, a specialist training institution located in South Africa, delivers classroom-based and online instructor-led training internationally but with a primary focus on Africa.
Jumping Bean's instructors have decades of hands-on practical experience and our classes instil a passion for learning and leveraging technology for creative purposes with a focus on practical and theoretical knowledge.
Their customers include many of the top corporates on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
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