Focuses on 10 positive parenting strategies designed for early childhood education level
What you'll learn
Life skills for children age 4 to 6
Positive Parenting Strategies
Personal development program for children
Promoting Positive Self-Esteem in Children
Parenting skills for early childhood development
10 Parenting Principles to Raise Healthy Children
10 Strategies to Raise Happy Children
Parenting resources for handling stress, anxiety, confusion and depression
No requirements are necessary for taking this course
Now more than ever our children need help to be strong, to fight social anxiety and feel part of the community.
Overview of the course
This course teaches you positive parenting principles (parents and/or teachers and coaches involved in early childhood education) through 10 essential life skills to help young children become more self-confident, more aware of others and challenge them to grow. It provides the building blocks for Early Childhood Development, to help improve our children's Happiness and Mental Health.
1. It will walk you through explanations of 10 fundamental life skills essential for empowering children to become more positive and happy.
2. After the explanation of each skill, you will then be guided through 2-3 practical exercises to introduce to your child to help them understand and adopt the respective life skill.
You then get more resources to help reinforce the child's learning through illustrated story-books to illustrate these skills through FUN and a Personal Advancement Manual to put their skills into ACTION.
FUN and ACTION: two of the most powerful ways to learn.
Personal development and sense of greater self-awareness can never come too early in life.
You are going to look at all aspects of a child’s life: at home, school and also their social environment.
This course equips them with tools to develop a positive mindset to become the best they can be and be proud of it; to appreciate their strengths and aware of their weaknesses.
Many of the approaches stem from the practice of martial arts based on moral and ethical guidelines, which I have grouped into the following 10 Life Skills you are going to cover in this course:
1. Courtesy
2. Self-Control
3. Courage
4. Respect
5. Honesty
6. Commitment
7. Gratitude
8. Self-discipline
9. Goal-setting
10. Persistence
Although the study of martial arts does involve physical activities, it primarily follows a concept of non-violence, respect and courtesy for others, loyalty to one’s family, friends and country, and the tolerance of different belief systems and ideologies. All values you would want to instill in a child.
This course will help you in parenting and teaching young children through 10 Building Blocks for Shaping Young Minds.
Who this course is for:
Parents of young children aged 4 to 6 years old
Teachers involved in personal, social and health-related subjects
Instructors and parents working in early childhood education
Martial Arts clubs and associations
Educators in early childhood education
Instructors involved in personal development for kids
Life coaches for kids age 4 to 6
Adults looking for robust positive parenting resources
Child behavior coaches
Children's confidence coaches
Talented children's author, creator of Kiki and Friends. ?✨
A passionate, invested and incredible writer who has captured the hearts of young readers everywhere with her enchanting stories! ?✨
As a coursetakers instructor she shares her journaling methods and personal organization routines to give you that edge you need in personal development, finding clarity and boosting your creativity.
As a children's author, Francesca Hepton has received numerous accolades for her exceptional work. Her books have been praised for their beautiful illustrations, engaging plots, and heartwarming messages that resonate with both children and parents alike.
So, if you're looking for ways to improve your personal life or jump-start your work (new or old) be sure to hop onto Francesca's courses.
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