In this kpi and metrics management course, participants learn how to manage performance risks for results. Learn how to set business targets, and kpis and align these to individual worker activity and results.
In this kpi and metrics management course, participants learn how to manage performance risks for results. Learn how to set business targets, and kpis and align these to individual worker activity and results.
Earn how to measure the workforce’s effectiveness and activities in reaching organizational goals. Participants will be guided by the trainer and coached in a workshop-style environment. Get guidance and hands-on exercises to create metrics and manage workforce performance to hit targets.
In this course, participants will learn how to:
KPI and Metrics Management Training Course Objectives
KPI and Metrics Management Training Learning Outcomes
KPI and Metrics Management Training Course Contents
Module 1 – KPI Goal Setting and Performance Management
Participants learn how to create a high-level plan. They learn how to set key result areas (KRA) and key performance indicators (KPIs). They learn how market elements and workforce impact the KRA and KPI. And how to create business goals to get workforce commitment.
Module 2 – Metrics | Measuring Performance and Controlling Risks
Participants learn risk management and how to manage and control risks to the Hohsin. They learn how to measure and set control limits with metrics and traffic lights. Participants learn how to take contingency actions based on traffic lights and leading indicators for KPIs.
Module 3 – Alignment | Workforce Commitment Confirmation
Participants learn how to communicate the Hohsin to the worker’s individual performance targets. They learn how to explain the why of the targets. And the benefits of these targets for the workforce and the company’s mission.
Module 4 – Calibration | Workforce Performance Risk Management
Participants learn how to track workforce results and performance. Participants learn how to identify non-performance in workflows, and what needs to be done to fix it. They learn how to do hard conversations and set agreed action plans and performance improvement plans (PIP).
Kognifi (pronounce the like in WiFi) is the Malaysianised version of Cognify. This name comes from Cognitive. Which means processing information and reasoning. Becoming smarter. Hence smarter sales, marketing and business results with appropriate technologies.
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