Leadership Fundamentals training is offered by Culture of Speak. Based on real life business cases, proven techniques, a winning positive energy and high level of interactivity, your team will experience a powerful, customized executive communication program.
Leadership Fundamentals training is offered by Culture of Speak. Based on real life business cases, proven techniques, a winning positive energy and high level of interactivity, your team will experience a powerful, customized executive communication program.
I am an Executive Coach to Silicon Valley Tech Company Leaders, University Lecturer in Communication and Leadership at San Jose State's MBA Program, as well as an award-winning Public Speaker. ​
Most recently, I authored a book, "Communication means talking together: How you can inspire your team and lead with purpose". I have over a decade of Corporate Coaching, Training, Consulting.
Organizational Development as well as Large Group Seminars, Team Development and other forms of Professional Development Training, twice selected.
Best Speech Coach in the Bay Area. ​ I bring a lifelong experience of being part of family-owned businesses, and helping students and entrepreneurs alike find their voice.
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