Lockout/Tagout training is offered by M&A Safety Services. M&A Safety Services provides comprehensive instructor led training courses that are readily available to meet our customers’ training needs. Our training centers deliver essential training courses on a daily basis.
Lockout/Tagout training is offered by M&A Safety Services. M&A Safety Services provides comprehensive instructor led training courses that are readily available to meet our customers’ training needs.
Our training centers deliver essential training courses on a daily basis which offers our customers maximum flexibility to train their employees at their convenience.
Training courses can also be delivered onsite at the customer’s work site including domestic, international and offshore locations.
Course Objective
M&A Safety Services is a full service safety training company strategically located in Youngsville and Houma, Louisiana. Our ownership team made up of Bryan Aucoin, Travis Martin, and Don Romero, bring countless years of experience in both HSE and operational experience in the Production, Construction, and Drilling industries.
M&A Safety Services provides comprehensive instructor led training courses that are readily available to meet our customers’ training needs. Our training centers deliver essential training courses on a daily basis which offers our customers maximum flexibility to train their employees at their convenience.
Training courses can also be delivered onsite at the customer’s work site including domestic, international and offshore locations. Both training centers are 20,000 square foot facilities located to serve the gulf coast region.
They contain (17) multimedia classrooms, (2) indoor heated pools, METS-5 HUET Simulators, TEMPSC’s, Hydraulic Cranes, Confined Space Simulators, Fall Protection Simulators, and numerous Firefighting Simulators designed to simulate various types of fires.
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