This course is focused on providing delegates with knowledge and skills to fulfil their SHE Rep functions by assisting safety officers, identifying hazards and risks in the workplace and are required to attend health and safety meeting within their work environment.
This course is focused on providing delegates with knowledge and skills to fulfil their SHE Rep functions by assisting safety officers, identifying hazards and risks in the workplace and are required to attend health and safety meeting within their work environment. Delegates are empowered to play a vital role in ensuring a safer working environment within their respective companies.
Learners acquiring this course will be learning towards obtaining a national qualification or are working within a health and safety environment, where acquisition of competence against this standard will add value to learner’s job, or chances of finding employment.
We want CTS to grow into a highly respected and well-known adult learning and development organization. To also grow profitably and expand our services across all borders nationally and internationally, to become a value-adding necessity for our customers through the delivery of high-quality learning interventions and the development of quality learning materials.
We commit to our client to deliver high quality and accredited learning interventions; catering to the specific needs of our clients, by delivering value adding interventions. We Offer our services in-house and off-site depending on the requirement of our clients and we work with our clients to ensure the best solution to their needs.
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