Learn how to create a professional makeup application at home. Discover new techniques and how to apply makeup correctly.
Learn how to create a professional makeup application at home. Discover new techniques and how to apply makeup correctly. Makeup lessons take around 90 minutes and involve lots of hands on practice, excellent to combine with an evening out or special occasion!
List of things to bring to your makeup lesson:
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Hi, my name is Helen Lee and I am a makeup artist based in Maidstone, Kent. I have 2 kids and 2 dogs- a Long Haired Chihuahua and a very naughty Maltese. With 22 years industry experience,I now work mainly in weddings, and have had the privilege of helping hundreds of brides over the years get ready with what is most probably the most important makeup of their lives!
I thrive on the excitement and thrill of the wedding day morning, and it is both a pleasure and a privilege to be invited to be part of somebody's big day. I have applied makeup to brides, bridesmaids, mothers of the bride, mothers of the groom, best women, women of honour, nannies, aunties, best friends and even the occasional groom- the list goes on!
I have held the Champagne, popped a cork, tied a cravat, pinned a button hole (I know the correct side!), transported the decorations, held up a dress, laced up a dress, tied a ribbon, entertained a flower girl and comforted a tearful mum- all subjobs that I see as the un-declared part of my role as bridal makeup artist.
As well as bridal makeup; which is my absolute passion, I offer makeup for special occasion and am also available for editorial projects.
Our 1 week Casualty Makeup Course covers dirtying down, learning how to create cuts, bruises, scars, tattoo covering, breaking down the skin and many other casualty makeup skills that a makeup artists need as part of their skill set.
MakeUp Application course are offered by Amethyst Holistic Training for all skill levels.
You will learn basic through to more advanced makeup techniques used in today's makeup industry. This course will be different as we will also be focusing on creative makeup styles from current trends not to forget the art of mastering them eye makeup looks.
Are you looking for short makeup courses in Manchester? Well, here you will graduate in just 10 weeks or 2 weeks with all the skills you need to start on the road to your dream career, from a well recognised and exceptionally regarded school.
The Make-Up Essentials course is suitable for aspiring artists who would like to pursue a career in make-up artistry, and also for artists who already have some basic training and knowledge.
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