Managing Safety

by MSC Safety Training Claim Listing

This course is intended to introduce safety awareness and application across the construction process from the design phase to jobsite management. The results keep your company’s project on-schedule and on-budget by reducing incidents, increasing productivity, and reducing operating costs.

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Course Details

This is an abbreviated version of our 8 hour course. Construction Safety Management improves employee, contractor, subcontractor, and jobsite safety. In the construction industry, our best tradesmen tend to become our jobsite management personnel.

But, being the best at your trade does not make you a leader of men. These skills need to be developed. This course is intended to introduce safety awareness and application across the construction process from the design phase to jobsite management.

The results keep your company’s project on-schedule and on-budget by reducing incidents, increasing productivity, and reducing operating costs – all contributing to project profitability and success. This class will cover: Basic behavioral safety techniques Creating a total safety culture, that is profitable Effective ways to deal with people in the work place Preplan the project and the daily work Identify unsafe behaviors and conditions in the work place Proactive tools and skills to prevent unsafe behavior Conducting quality safety inspections

  • Denver Branch

    4020 Kodiak Court, Denver

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