A major portion of every organization’s operating cost is spent on outside goods and services. Based on this fact, executive management everywhere is determining that Managing Tenders, Specifications, and Contracts must emerge as a critical core competency if organizations are to increase revenue.
A major portion of every organization’s operating cost is spent on outside goods and services. Based on this fact, executive management everywhere is determining that Managing Tenders, Specifications, and Contracts must emerge as a critical core competency if organizations are to increase revenue.
This seminar is designed to explore many of the best practices in the initial phases of contracting so that participants will be able to implement the steps needed to create maximum total value for their organization.
About Course:
Included in the vast number of topics that brings increased professionalism to these important functions are:
Elements of a good procurement & competitive bidding process
Developing high quality specifications
Developing tender evaluation criteria
Selecting the right contracting strategy
Contract preparation
Discuss Elements of Good Procurement Process
Develop methods of Contractor Performance Measurement
Learn methods of Tender Evaluation
Review Contract Strategies
Explore steps in Developing Performance Based Service Contracts
See examples of important commercial Contract Clauses
Be presented the Essential Elements of a Contract
Be given examples of Contract Checklist
Rantsane Mario Training Academy provides skills development and training to prepare the youth for work and workshops for the formal working class. We give you a chance to improve our skills and your work environment.
Project managers, contract managers and other professionals involved in the world of contracts must be able to work effectively together and with customers, contractors and subcontractors to accomplish key organizational objectives.
To ensure effectiveness and total control on your mine with regards to managing of contractors we can provide consulting / training / facilitating and implementing of systems in accordance with relevant legislation
Contract Management course is offered by Ratomac Trading Consultants. Our programmes can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. Our courses have a strong focus on skills transfer to make sure that you're getting the most out of the training we provide always.
The overall aim of this course is to provide participants with the knowledge, concepts and skills needed to perform all the tasks required in the pre-award phase of a contract. The course covers different contract types and various contracting methods with a concentration on tendering.
The course in Contract Management is ideal if you seek to acquire the necessary practical skills in effectively managing and administrating contracts for goods and services.
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