Many confuse the term marketing with selling and advertising. Whilst both of these aspects are included in the marketing function, they account for only a part of the total marketing effort.
Many confuse the term marketing with selling and advertising. Whilst both of these aspects are included in the marketing function, they account for only a part of the total marketing effort.
Marketing is the business discipline responsible for:
Identifying the people who make up a market.
Analysing and identifying the wants and needs of these people.
Planning the development of appropriate products or services that will satisfy these wants and needs.
Determining the most effective way to price, promote and distribute the product or service developed.
Marketing personnel are responsible for:
Planning the marketing programme.
Implementing the programme.
Evaluating the performance of the programme.
DUT has approximately 33 000 students, the Durban University of Technology (DUT) is the first choice for higher education in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN).
It is located in the beautiful cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg (PMB). As a University of Technology, it prioritises the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring its academic staff possess the highest possible qualification that they can get.
The Durban University of Technology is a result of the merger in April 2002 of two prestigious technikons, ML Sultan and Technikon Natal.
It was named the Durban Institute of Technology and later became the Durban University of Technology in line with the rest of the universities of technology.
DUT, a member of the International Association of Universities, is a multi-campus university of technology at the forefront of higher education, technological training, research, and innovation. In alignment with DUT’s strategy ENVISION 2030, the University would like to see its people (staff, students etc) become entrepreneurial and innovative.
In 2020, DUT was ranked amongst the Top 500 Universities globally, and 10th for citations globally and 5th Nationally.
Marketing is a critical function in business and works hand in hand with sales. Marketers work in a variety of sectors and fields and are involved in branding, research, advertising, communication, PR, digital and social media.
The purpose of this programme is to assist students with marketing related activities in the marketing field such as conducting marketing research, identify markets, and create promotional materials and present marketing proposals.
This short course introduces a student to the fundamental concepts and principles of visual merchandising. It is important to have an understanding of client briefs and preparing for displays before the ?nal installation.
Certificate: Marketing Management Code Course is Offered by Academy of York.
This short course introduces you to the field of marketing. It equips you with the knowledge and skills that you need to define the marketing concept, apply marketing decision-making, and explain marketing opportunities.
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