In the Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity, our students work alongside acmi x, exhibit their work at the melbourne international animation festival and have opportunities to collaborate with academic staff, industry practitioners and rmit research centres.
In the Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity, our students work alongside acmi x, exhibit their work at the melbourne international animation festival and have opportunities to collaborate with academic staff, industry practitioners and rmit research centres.
Why study animation, games and interactivity at RMIT?
What you will study
Build your skills in:
A career that moves with you
Once you graduate you might pursue careers in:
Our graduates have taken on roles as creative producers and practitioners in a diverse array of creative industries.
The Master will also prepare you for further study through higher degree research.
RMIT was established in 1887 as the Working Men’s College with the aim of bringing education to the working people of Melbourne.
RMIT at a Glance:
Our teaching, learning and research programs are continually updated so that students, staff and graduates are equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
At the same time, we have not forgotten our past as one of Australia’s original educational institutions, and we have remained true to our original philosophy.
Since 1887, our inner-city campus has been a vital part of the City of Melbourne, from the 1880s boom through world wars, the Great Depression and renewed prosperity during the second half of the 20th century.
RMIT was awarded royal patronage by Queen Elizabeth II for its educational service to the Commonwealth and contribution to the war effort, and RMIT remains the only higher education institution in Australia with the right to use the prefix “Royal” and the Monarchy's coat of arms.
During the 1990s, the institution gained university status and developed campuses in Bundoora and Brunswick in the city's northern suburbs, and later in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in Vietnam.
In 2013, RMIT opened a research and industry collaboration centre in Barcelona, Spain. With significant teaching partnerships in Asia and Europe, as well as research and industry partnerships on every continent, RMIT has a strong global presence.
The Master of Animation and Visual Effects is a two-year (full-time equivalent) postgraduate program designed for graduates and professionals who aim to thrive in the rapidly growing and evolving field of animation and visual effects production and beyond.
The Master of Animation and Visualisation has been developed in partnership with the industry-leading digital animation studio Animal Logic and is offered through the UTS Animal Logic Academy. The course develops creative professional practice, conceptual skills and technical dexterity in animation
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