The Department of Economics offers the Master of Economics to provide graduate studies in Economics which combines both conventional and Islamic aspects; to produce experts who are competent in both conventional and Islamic Economics; to encourage further research in Islamic Economics and Policies i
The Department of Economics offers the Master of Economics to provide graduate studies in Economics which combines both conventional and Islamic aspects; to produce experts who are competent in both conventional and Islamic Economics; to encourage further research in Islamic Economics and Policies in line with the fast changing economic environment.
The department’s greatest strength is in the areas of Islamic Economics and Finance, International Economics, Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics and Development Economics.
The Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences seeks to prepare students with the necessary knowledge and Islamic values to face the increasingly challenging world. It offers students the unique opportunity of integrating conventional knowledge with Islamic knowledge in all fields of studies. Established in 1983, the Kulliyyah is now well recognised, having faculty members of eminence in various specialisations. It is also equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities to promote teaching and learning.
English is the medium of instruction for all programmes offered by the Kulliyyah. Currently, there are four departments offering various programmes, namely the Department of Economics, the Department of Business Administration, the Department of Accounting, and the Department of Finance.
Student who opts for option 1 or option 2 must submit a dissertation/research paper proposal to the Department postgraduate coordinator and their potential supervisor. The Department will arrange for a dissertation/research paper proposal defense for students choosing option 1. Upon approval, students choosing either option 1 or option 2 may proceed with the dissertation/research writing. A supervisor and a co-supervisor (if necessary), will be appointed for the student. For option 3, the student must register for ECON 6999 Applied Research Methods, normally in the final semester. To enrol in the course, an outline of the research plan needs to be submitted to the potential supervisor two weeks before the semester begins, for approval.
Pre-requisite courses - Apart from the required courses, students may need to enroll for pre-requisite courses depending on their qualifications.
Areas of specialisation
Programme structure
Course Code Course Name
Elective Courses By Specialisation
Trade And Development
Course Code Course Name
Industrial economics
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Course Code Course Name
Financial economics
Course Code Course Name
Islamic economics and finance
Course Code Course Name
IIiBF was officially established in January 2005 as a center of excellence for education and research in Islamic banking and finance. IIiBF aims towards educating and producing competent graduates and scholars knowledgeable in Shariah and related modern disciplines pertaining to the fields of law, economics, finance, management, accounting and information technology.
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