Master of Science (Information Technology) program is a two year post-graduate degree course with each year having two semesters. The Department of Information Technology was established with the establishment of the college itself in the year 2007. The department offers B.Sc. IT and M.Sc. IT programmes with more than 1000+ students enrolled at various levels.
Computer Society of India
Institute of Electric & Electronic Engineers
- The Department conducts various Hackathons, Technical workshops, Seminars, Guest Lectures and Industrial visits for the students as well as faculty members. The department has 8 computer laboratories with more than 250 computers equipped with high speed internet and 1 IoT and embedded systems laboratory equipped with various IoT and electronics equipment.
- The department has active linkages with Industry and Institutions of repute in India and abroad. The students benefit from various internship and placement opportunities created by these linkages. The Department motivates the students to enhance their technical skills, leadership skills, sports and co-curricular activity participation and to develop their overall personality.
About our faculty
- The Department of Information Technology has a wonderful mix of experienced and young enthusiastic faculty members. The faculty members have specializations in various domains such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, Mobile Computing, Web development and many more. We have a few faculty members who have completed their PhDs and are now PhD guides. Many of our faculty members are completing their PhDs from various reputed Universities and Institutions. Many of the faculty members have published books and research papers in reputed National and International journals. Faculty Members of the department are also members Board of Studies and Syllabus committees in various institutions including University of Mumbai.
The main objectives of the course are:
- To think analytically, creatively and critically in developing robust, extensible and highly maintainable technological solutions to simple and complex problems.
- To apply their knowledge and skills to be employed and excel in IT professional careers and/or to continue their education in IT and/or related post graduate programmes.
- To be capable of managing complex IT projects with consideration of the human, financial and environmental factors.
- To work effectively as a part of a team to achieve a common stated goal.
- To adhere to the highest standards of ethics, including relevant industry and organizational codes of conduct.
- To communicate effectively with a range of audiences both technical and non-technical.
- To develop an aptitude to engage in continuing professional development
- To empower students with domain knowledge of Information Technology and interpersonal skills to cater to the industrial and societal need.
- M1: Developing technical skills by explaining the rationale behind learning.
- M2: Developing interpersonal skills to serve the society in the best possible manner.
- M3: Creating awareness about the ever changing professional practices to build industrial adaptability.
Technical Activities
- V-Shield
- E-Conference on Recent Trends in IT
- International E-Conference on Recent Trends in IT 2.0
- E-Symposium on Recent Trends in IT
- International E-Symposium on Recent Trends in IT 2.0