To be at the top of your class you have to make use of every single resource available to you. The assistance of a quality private tutor is perhaps the greatest tool you can have in your study kit.
To be at the top of your class you have to make use of every single resource available to you. The assistance of a quality private tutor is perhaps the greatest tool you can have in your study kit.
An individual who is either struggling to keep up with school work and their marks have dropped or they are maintaining good grades but wishes to excel further.
To be at the top of your class you have to make use of every single resource available to you. The assistance of a quality private tutor is perhaps the greatest tool you can have in your study kit.
An individual who is either struggling to keep up with school work and their marks have dropped or they are maintaining good grades but wishes to excel further.
We are a Tutor Centre that offers a hands on approach to assist your child with learning the year’s curriculum, assignment guidance and test preparation for both Mainstream and Homeschool syllabi. Enrolments are open for Grades 1 – 12.
We are a team of graduates ready to assist your children with those challenging subjects such as Mathematics, Physical science and more for all grades including the tertiary level.
Tuition offered in all Engineering Maths courses covering all topics including: Vectors, Matrices, Calculus of one and several variables, Algebra, Complex numbers, Linear Algebra, Fourier Series, Laplace Transforms, Differential Equations, Complex variable integration techniques etc.
First Year Courses (WTW): Calculus 114, 143, 148, 158, 165 Mathematics 124, 134, 164, 165 Linear Algebra 146 Discrete Structures 115 Numerical Analysis 123 Mathematical modelling 152, 155 BME 120 (Biometry) WST 111, WST 121
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