The MPL is a new philosophy for better preparing pilots for the modern multi-crew environment. Traditional CPL/IR training focused on creating safe commercial pilots first, before transitioning them into a multi-crew environment
The MPL is a new philosophy for better preparing pilots for the modern multi-crew environment. Traditional CPL/IR training focused on creating safe commercial pilots first, before transitioning them into a multi-crew environment, whereas MPL training specifically includes modern transport and multi-crew training outcomes in its syllabus. This is accomplished at a very early stage in the development of the pilot and includes a higher quantum of relevant training on a Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD).
Similar to the traditional CPL/IR, the MPL program in SFC is a Competency Based Training course where the cadet is constantly evaluated against a set of clearly defined standards along the lines of Knowledge Skills and Attitudes (KSA's).
The program also emphasises Threat and Error Management (TEM) and Crew Resource Management (CRM) throughout the course to ensure a seamless transition from ab-initio training to airliner type rating. To help ensure the MPL program provides airlines with pilots who are able to safely and efficiently operate modern airliners in all expected operational environments, Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) is incorporated from the early stages of training.
Singapore Flying College, founded in 1988, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore Airlines with the aim of providing the highest standards of training to produce world class pilots. Our motto ‘Bene Docere’ is the mantra we follow to deliver world class airline training to over 3000 graduates to date. The team of dedicated aviation professionals at SFC are committed to the pursuit of excellence in flight training.
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