by DU IT Soft Tech Claim Listing

MySQL course is offered by DU IT Soft Tech. We believe that everyone has the right to quality education, so we strive to provide quality training at the lowest cost. We believe that everyone has the right to quality education, so we strive to provide quality training at the lowest cost.

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DU IT Soft Tech Logo

img Duration

2 Months

Course Details

MySQL course is offered by DU IT Soft Tech. We believe that everyone has the right to quality education, so we strive to provide quality training at the lowest cost. We believe that everyone has the right to quality education, so we strive to provide quality training at the lowest cost.

Learning is a process to do little but better so we provide freedom to learn perfectly as much as you can until got first job offer. Everybody is a genius, but few can find ingenuity, we try to glaze those skills, ability & quality inside you to work with best doing skill at our organization.

  • Vijayawada Branch

    #3rd Floor, Near PRK Building, Swathi Road, Vijayawada

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