This qualification is aimed at addressing the need for transformation through training; to enhance the skills and competencies of government accounting staff that in turn will contribute to the efficiency and productivity of government.
Poor financial management in the public sector has for years been highlighted by role players in the financial sector. The quality of financial statements, lack of understanding of basic internal controls, ineffective internal audit departments and the limited knowledge of accounting and financial principles are only some of the matters which contribute towards poor financial management practices.
This qualification is aimed at addressing the need for transformation through training; to enhance the skills and competencies of government accounting staff that in turn will contribute to the efficiency and productivity of government.
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How to Speak Accounting course is offered by Training Excellence. Training Excellence is a company built on the synergies of expertise, experience and hard work, which inevitably lead toward successful training, satisfied employers and employees.
This course aims to provide participants with basic bookkeeping skills, and to enable participants to extract required financial information from, and interpret, financial statements.
The person credited with this Unit Standard will be able to perform routine financial transactions and calculations and need to apply the processes and procedures necessary to initiate the recording of disbursements and revenues, and to understand the financial implications to the organisation of e...
This level covers a range of basic accounting practices and techniques, from costing and double-entry bookkeeping to computerised accounting.
This Short Learning Programme covers fundamental management accounting concepts and techniques, ranging from costing to budgeting, as well as various other management accounting tools available for planning, control and decision making.
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