This qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in the public relations discipline for their chosen sector.
This qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in the public relations discipline for their chosen sector.
The design of the qualification is such that if taken sequentially with related N programmes i.e. N4+N5+N6, it enables learners to progressively obtain the National N Diploma once the required practical work component is completed.
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A career in Public Management will prepare you for a variety of public service functions. A strong element of the course is knowledge of administrative structures and an understanding of the public and private sector.
Companies employ public relations experts to manage the perception of the company and its brands. PR practitioners must possess strong writing and organisational skills, be confident and creative and have a persuasive edge.
Public Relations Assistant Course is Offered by Boston City Campus.
Public Relations (PR) course is offered by Envision International. Envision International is a leading accredited training provider producing and disseminating strategic business intelligence that educates people and benefits corporate growth and profits.
The course is offered as contact sessions and will include both theoretical and practical application. Course notes and the prescribed textbook are requirements for the course.
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