This is the NC Department of Justice approved NC Concealed Carry class required to obtain an NC Conceal Carry Permit. Also required to be a US citizen , Naturalized , or a Permanent Life Time Visa.
This is the NC Department of Justice approved NC Concealed Carry class required to obtain an NC Conceal Carry Permit. Also required to be a US citizen , Naturalized , or a Permanent Life Time Visa .
The class runs 8+ hours. After successfully passing the exam you proceed to the range and fire 35 rounds from 3, 5 & 7 yards at a silhouette target. You should have a basic understanding of the pistol and fired one before coming to class .
You must qualify with the pistol with a minimum 85% accuracy to receive your certificate. Cost is $ 90.00 cash the day of the class , we rent pistols for testing $30.00 extra Thank you for your interest in this class.
We can offer classes during the week for groups of 7 or more . At a rate of $90.00 for each student Church groups, Work groups REMEMBER to list your Mailing Address when registering Can not hold the Seat till mailing address is listed !! ( Also It seems peoples GPS is taking people to the house next door.
From the time of discharge from the army, I have always worked with the public; as a firefighter, EMT and as a nurse. I enjoyed helping people and wanted to keep others safe. I have always enjoyed the outdoors, especially shooting and hunting.
I started teaching conceal carry and general personal safety classes many years ago because I want to help people learn how to protect themselves as well as others around them. I believe that in order to know how to shoot a pistol and operate it safely, one must have a good knowledge of the laws and how it relates to it's use.
I have small classes in an effort to keep the class relaxed and to allow people the ability to ask questions they have. I look forward to teaching others in the months and years to come.
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