NC Concealed Carry

by Pistol Safety Academy Claim Listing

This is the NC Department of Justice approved NC Concealed Carry class required to obtain an NC Conceal Carry Permit. Also required to be a US citizen , Naturalized , or a Permanent Life Time Visa.


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Course Details

This is the NC Department of Justice approved NC Concealed Carry class required to obtain an NC Conceal Carry Permit. Also required to be a US citizen , Naturalized , or a Permanent Life Time Visa .

The class runs 8+ hours. After successfully passing the exam you proceed to the range and fire 35 rounds from 3, 5 & 7 yards at a silhouette target. You should have a basic understanding of the pistol and fired one before coming to class .

You must qualify with the pistol with a minimum 85% accuracy to receive your certificate. Cost is $ 90.00 cash the day of the class , we rent pistols for testing $30.00 extra   Thank you for your interest in this class.

We can offer classes during the week for groups of 7 or more . At a rate of $90.00 for each student Church groups, Work groups  REMEMBER  to list your Mailing Address  when registering Can not hold the Seat till mailing address is listed !! ( Also It seems peoples GPS is taking people to the house next door.

  • Raleigh Branch

    5240 Watkins Rd, Raleigh

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