As a Gold learning partner, we exceed the learning excellence principles, which include the quality of our material, expert tutors, exceptional support to all our students and the creation of an engaging and positive learning environment.
The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health is a globally respected health and safety qualification.
A modern risk-based qualification providing practical skills and sustainable knowledge that can be applied to any workplace, across industries, for those starting out, as well as those who are continuing their development as health and safety professionals.
As a Gold learning partner, we exceed the learning excellence principles, which include the quality of our material, expert tutors, exceptional support to all our students and the creation of an engaging and positive learning environment.
You will receive unlimited support from our approved NEBOSH tutors until you pass
All our learners will have free access to all our excellent online interactive Digital Learning Resources and Study Support Hub, with additional resources, tutor guidance and forums to talk with tutors and other students
From the very start of your studies, our expert tutors are committed to guiding you through your qualification, providing supportive learning and application of your knowledge in real-world scenarios, enabling you to confidently achieve your qualification.
The British Safety Council has been a trusted provider of health, safety sustainability and wellbeing education for over 65 years, with exceptional pass rates.
Not only will you be joining our large cohort of students who have successfully completed their professional development with the British Safety Council, but you will also be supporting our global charitable activities in our dedication to making sure no one is injured or made ill through their work.
The british safety council is dedicated to making sure no-one is injured or made ill through their work. This section covers who we are and what we stand for, how we work in india and internationally, our people, success stories from organisations we’ve worked with, access to our digital archive and our media centre.
We offer a comprehensive suite of training and qualifications in health, safety and environmental management. We educate people all over the world to help them improve their knowledge and skills, reduce risks, make workplaces healthier and safer for everyone and improve long-term business performance.
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