.NET training is offered by Sysol System Solutions. .NET is a framework developed by Microsoft corporation, which used in web development applications.
.NET training is offered by Sysol System Solutions. .NET is a framework developed by Microsoft corporation, which used in web development applications.
A premier IT solutions and services provider, sysol was established in 2000 by a highly-qualified and enthusiastic team of IT professionals.
We have every solution for your training needs—from updating the skills of individuals and teams, to large-scale process implementation for organizations
Students enter this phase with millions of dreams and expectations from their parents, families and loved ones. It is a platform where careers are crafted and is an extremely challenging stage of one’s life which needs attention, focus and commitment.
The challenge in the job. market has increased due to the current market conditions. With global recession setting in, recruitments have become a very cautious process.This meltdown is expected to be around for the next few years.
Training offered in SYS-SOL have specific skill sets required for this current IT industry which also prepares them for Industry-leading Certification and equips them with marketable IT job skills.
The Real Time Project mapped to the trainees for enhancing their skills and to ensure that each and every candidates get practical training using business relevant examples With this program we create an era of young high quality professionals with an exceptional ability to imagine, visualize and produce new technologies of high marketing standards.
Demands of the fast growing world will be met with these high quality professionals We aim to deliver Exceptional high quality training with the help of industry standard technologies and aids by involving the candidates in live projects.
Web Development Using PHP/ASP.NET course is offered by TechiZone. At TechiZone Computer Institute, we are working hard to impart practical skills to students that are always in demand by employers in various sectors and help them get Jobs.
This web technology program a wide range of tools and techniques used in the process of communication between different types of devices over the internet. Some of the vital applications covered here include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Jquery.
This training will teach you about web application design such as HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS and Advanced Javascripts, PHP and Ajax, WordPress, JQuery, etc.
Visual Basic Course is Offered by K.S. Computer Education Center
In 1989, whilst working at CERN Tim Berners-Lee proposed to create a global hypertext project, which later became known as the World Wide Web. During 1991 to 1993 the World Wide Web was born.
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