With Exchange Traded Options (ETOs), money can be made whether the stock market is going up, down or sideways. Options are very flexible instruments and are used by both active investors and traders.
With Exchange Traded Options (ETOs), money can be made whether the stock market is going up, down or sideways. Options are very flexible instruments and are used by both active investors and traders.
Protection: If you manage a personal portfolio of stocks or for your superannuation fund (SMSF), and you want to know how to protect your shares from downside risk, you definitely are on the right page! Read on …
Imagine building a stock portfolio that pays you a passive dividend income year after year, plus provides you with capital growth.
Imagine now, that you are also receive an income for owning your shares … plus, you have the peace of mind that comes with having insured against any downside risk should the stock price go down in value.
Once you learn how to apply some simple yet powerful strategies in the market, you will be able to relax knowing you have the downside covered.
Income: In addition to the dividend income from your stock portfolio, you can use options to generate an additional income.
Leverage: Whether you own stocks or not, options can give you enormous leverage and can be traded just like shares. They also provide great flexibility enabling you to profit in markets that are going up, down or sideways.
‘Options for Success’ Workshop:
Options for Success™ provides you with the essential knowledge, proven strategies and more importantly how to apply them.
By attending, you will:
The Top Six ETO Mistakes:
The Workshop Features:
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