To understand the nature and content of Outstanding PE.
Outstanding Physical Education Training Objectives
To understand the nature and content of Outstanding PE.
To recognise the interconnectivity of skills and have confidence to deliver them.
The Building Blocks to quality Physical Education. Essential PE CPD for all. The what, where, how and when of teaching curriculum Physical Education.
This course will cover what all pupils should be able to do, know and understand in each group. It shows what you should be teaching pupils and how to achieve Outstanding Physical Education.
Core Skills
Through the course you will be able to recognise the nature of progressive development and ways of presenting core skills. The course will practically illustrate this and enable you to experience how this is delivered in PE through Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics and Games.
The Outstanding Physical Education Training course will help you to ensure that the teaching you provide is comprehensive, progressive and challenging with account taken of the capability and potential of the pupils.
The course will cover how you use the Building Blocks for PE to plan your long term curriculum maps, medium term plans and schemes as well as looking at individual lessons to ensure progress in all pupils.
Fundamental Skills
Also included is how to develop fundamental skills which build physical flexibility, capability and automaticity of movement, coordination, agility, strength, stamina, speed and power. These are elements of physical fluency which is at the heart of Physical Literacy.
It will show how confidence and competence in physical activity and sport is achieved through developing individual physical literacy and then engaging pupils in a range of co-operative and competitive opportunities including individual, pair, group or team challenges.
Such challenges can then be processed logically according to competency, self-awareness and awareness of others into adapted games and situations before more formal face-to-face competitive situations and introduced both in lessons and in out-of-school activities.
Practical Course
This is a practical based course, a must for all those involved in delivering curriculum Physical Education including teachers, suitably qualified coaches, teaching assistants and cover supervisors.
Course Delivery
This course can be delivered as a Primary School course to cover Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 or to focus on specific Key Stages or age groups covering:
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 3
About Val Sabin Publications
25 Years ago Val Sabin was the originator of teaching manuals for physical education. We are still the only publisher to produce specialist comprehensive and user-friendly PE manuals rich with subject knowledge.
Each manual has been produced to answer a specific need, and all the material exceeds National Curriculum requirements, is thoroughly tested, and proven and is fully inclusive. The manuals are now used in schools all over the world.
Outdoor & Adventurous Activities manual
We are still the only company to produce complete, whole-school schemes of work for Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities for Primary Schools and have the largest range of Physical Development publications and activities for the early years.
We can provide a totally unique and bespoke inset and regional training for any subject areas covered by our manuals, including administration, planning and assessment.
Our delivery team are all highly trained advisors and are all QTS. Our manuals are progressive and developmental throughout and are the most comprehensive and user-friendly.
The whole school “master manuals” are printed on card in ring-bound folders and come with a copyright waiver for the purchasing school which means that teachers can photocopy and personalise their lessons.
These schemes of work are presented in a simple format:
A teaching guide (including a simple assessment system and planning grid to help the PE co-ordinator).
Lesson plans divided into units of work.
A section at the back on breaking down and teaching the specific skills of the subject, or providing any essential resources.
To complete the package there are accompanying CDs where appropriate (e.g. 9 CDs for Reception KS1 and KS2 Dance).
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