Professional Studies is the core module in the PGCE Primary Programme. The focus is on pedagogy rather than subject specific content so that students develop the wider knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to achieve the Teachers’ Standards (DfE 2021) and enter the teaching profession.
Train to be a primary school teacher at Roehampton, with its uniquely long heritage in teacher training and its commitment to Froebelian principles of education. You will undergo 20 weeks school placement with excellent mentoring. Build your confidence as a teacher, ready for your first job.
Professional Studies
Professional Studies is the core module in the PGCE Primary Programme. The focus is on pedagogy rather than subject specific content so that students develop the wider knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to achieve the Teachers’ Standards (DfE 2021) and enter the teaching profession.
There is a focus on understanding the assess-plan-learn cycle and on groups vulnerable to underachievement in the education system, as well as on professionalism.
The module draws together the taught and school experience elements of learning through guided analysis of learning using videos, planning and, as the course progresses, students’ own in-school experiences.
Embedded within the module is exposure to, and opportunities to reflect on, good and outstanding practice through effective partnership with local schools including through intensive training and practice (ITaP) experiences.
The course is mapped against the Core Content Framework (DfE, 2019) drawing on literature from this document as well as other seminal research to provide a secure evidence base from which students can develop and evaluate their practice.
The Core Curriculum
The Core Curriculum module focuses on subject knowledge and pedagogy in the core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science. It links closely with the Professional Studies module and the pedagogical understanding contained therein.
The teaching and learning strategies adopted in this module aim to reflect, model and exemplify the range of approaches that students will encounter within primary teaching and learning and encourage students to become independent, autonomous learners. Students will be encouraged to analyse and evaluate the teaching and learning approaches they encounter within partnership schools.
Principles underlying ongoing practice will be explored in the light of theory and research. Through this approach, students will be encouraged to generate their own provisional teaching and learning theories and to inform these through experience, critical reflection, discussion, research and reading.
Curriculum area units aim to introduce students to key concepts and enable them to develop professional competence, including planning appropriate learning intentions, teaching and assessment strategies.
They aim also to enthuse students about the value of the subject within the curriculum and to inspire them to become passionate teachers of English, mathematics and science.
Embedded within the module is exposure to, and opportunities to reflect on, high quality practice through effective partnership with local schools including through intensive training and practice (ITaP) experiences.
The course is mapped against the Core Content Framework (DfE, 2019) drawing on literature from this document as well as other seminal research to provide a secure evidence base from which students can develop and evaluate their practice.
The Wider Curriculum
The Wider Curriculum module focuses on subject knowledge and pedagogy in the foundation subjects and RE, allowing students to meet and exceed the requirements of the Core Content Framework (2019). It links closely with the Professional Studies module and the pedagogical understanding contained therein.
As well as being separate subjects, opportunities will be given, where possible, to make connections between subjects and learning in this module to allow for broad areas of learning and thematic work.
Throughout the module, taught units draw upon the students’ current stage of professional development and reflect current themes from the Professional Studies module.
Learning to teach the primary curriculum involves reflective evaluation of the cycle of planning, teaching and assessment. Critical, reflective practice is therefore an overarching aspect of this module, aiming to develop students’ critical evaluation, through analysis of the curriculum and their understanding of effective learning and teaching in order to improve their practice.
School Experience
This module places students in the school environment, via two placements in contrasting settings. It facilitates students’ professional development in the five areas of professional learning (APLs - behaviour management, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, professional behaviours), which align with the five core areas of the Core Content Framework (DfE, 2019).
Students will apply, in practice, the knowledge, skills and behaviours that define great teaching, as taught in their Professional Studies, Core and Wider Curriculum modules. Intensive training and practice (ITaP) placements will form part of the school experience.
Students will train to teach children aged 3-11 and their assessed placements will be within this age range. For students on a Lead Partner route or Apprentices, placements are arranged by the Lead Partner or apprentice employing school.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The University of Roehampton is shaped by its people who come from a diverse range of backgrounds, and who have brought a rich set of experiences and knowledge which have culminated in a truly enriching environment for students, staff and visitors.
The University is committed to preserving these qualities by increasing diversity, promoting equality and aiming to create an inclusive culture and environment in which students, staff and visitors are treated fairly and can prosper irrespective of their background.
The University believes that people have a right to be able to participate fully in the education, employment and development opportunities that the University has to offer.
The University strives to provide an environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all and recognises that people perform better when they can be themselves.
The University is committed to upholding equality legislation in the best way practical, particularly the provisions within the Equality Act 2010. The University has policies and procedures to ensure that it abides by legislation and continues to strive for a community where all people are accepted and have opportunities to succeed.
Statement from the Chancellor
Roehampton’s friendly and open environment is enriched by its community of diverse people who work, study and visit every day. It aims to be a place where people, regardless of their background, can thrive.
Mutual respect, dignity and acceptance are foundations that Roehampton seeks to sustain to ensure that it continues to be a safe, welcome, creative and dynamic place.
Roehampton recognises that its wealth of diversity alone is not enough. It is only through the promotion of equality and inclusiveness of its diverse groups that all people can contribute, reach their full potential and inspire social change more broadly.
Through engaging the uniqueness of all individuals and joining them in a common aim, we can create a true culture of belonging, in which all people feel valued, respected and can prosper.
The University has a governance structure for equality, diversity and inclusion. Click on the dropdowns below for the Terms of Reference for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The University now has a new governance structure for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). The University has a Committee (reporting to the University Executive Board) which is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor. The Committee has strategic oversight of EDI.
​​​​​Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC)​
EDIC: Terms of Reference
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee ('the Committee') shall discharge the (University) Executive Board's responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity matters generally and will promote equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the institution, including in relation to its own operation.
The Committee will in particular:
Oversee the implementation of the University's equality, diversity and inclusion plan and objectives;
Ensure appropriate policies and procedures are in place to achieve best practice and to fulfil the University's obligations in relation to ED&I, including making recommendations to the Executive Board where appropriate;
Provide leadership and guidance on improving equality of opportunity and fostering good relations across the University;
Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of ED&I policies and procedures against the University's equality objectives;
Review at least annually the profile of Roehampton staff and students;
Undertake any other functions as may be assigned to the Committee by the Executive Board;
Report to the Executive Board at least annually.
The Committee shall consist of:
The Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair of the Committee;
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
Up to three members of the Executive Board nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
The Director of Student Engagement;
The Head of a College;
The President of the Roehampton Students' Union (or their nominee);
Two representatives from recognised trade union branches (one from academic staff, one from support staff).
The Committee will meet twice per annum.
The Vice-Chancellor will identify a Secretary to the Committee and may invite other individuals to attend from time to time.
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