Project Managers who master risk-related concepts can help organizations manage both positive and negative risks. The PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) exam prep training course focuses on planning and monitoring for risk throughout a project.
Project Managers who master risk-related concepts can help organizations manage both positive and negative risks. The PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) exam prep training course focuses on planning and monitoring for risk throughout a project.
This course prepares PMP® Certification holders to pass the more advanced and specialized PMI-RMP® exam. The 1-day training proivides detailed insights into the seven project risk management domains, then linking those domains back to core PMP® principles.
Students completing the PMI-RMP certification training will have the knowledge and skills needed to plan, manage and control project risks - and have the knowledge, study resources, and confidence to pass the PMI-RMP exam.
Course Objectives
The knowledge needed to pass the PMI-RMP Certification exam
How to recognize and assess project risks, install solutions and capitalize on opportunities
Understand how various environmental and organizational influences affect project management and risk management
Effectively use all processes and focus in-depth on the 7 risk management processes
Use all tools and techniques to better manage projects and related risks
Employ appropriate methods to handle project changes and understand how certain changes may affect other aspects of the project (i.e. risks)
Master each of the Risk Processes, their purpose and objectives, critical success factors, use of tools and techniques, and documentation of process results
Who Should Attend?
While this risk management training is designed to prepare professionals to take and pass the PMI-RMP certification exam, it can be taken by anyone who desires further knowledge in the management of uncertainty (risk) within projects.
Course Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Introduction
Domain I: Risk Strategy and Planning
Perform Document Analysis
Assess Project Environment for Threats and Opportunities
Confirm Risk Thresholds Based on Risk Appetites
Document Risk Management Plan
Plan and Lead Risk Management Activities with Stakeholders
Domain II: Risk Identification
Conduct Risk Identification Exercise
Examine Assumption and Constraint Analyses
Document Risk Triggers and Thresholds based on Context/Environment
Develop Risk Register
Domain III: Risk Analysis
Perform Qualitative Analysis
Perform Quantitative Analysis
Identify Threats and Opportunities
Domain IV: Plan Risk Response
Plan Risk Response
Implement Risk Response
Domain V: Monitor and Close Risks
Gather and Analyze Performance Data
Monitor Residual & Secondary Risks
Provide Information Required to Update Relevant Project Documents
Monitor Project Risk Levels
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