The Portuguese language learning courses at IULE are competently devised to meet your needs whether it is social or business.
The Portuguese language learning courses at IULE are competently devised to meet your needs whether it is social or business. The trainers make learning Portuguese simple and build your confidence allowing you to communicate in Portuguese easily.
Different course formats are available ranging from intensive to extensive programs depending on your knowledge of the language and to meet your exact requirements of learning the language.
We provide in-house Portuguese training classes for corporate employees. The training includes assessments to understand the progress and action accordingly.
Institute of Universal Languages & Education (IULE), as the name suggests is a dedicated language school in Bangalore offering expert learning in foreign and Indian languages.
The services are not limited to classroom and coaching but extend to foreign language translation, interpretation and staffing services of utmost quality. Certified native language experts make every service apprize. IULE aims to bridge the gap between languages through its language services.
IULE is an ISO 9001:2015 certified language services provider. Trusted and appreciated for its attention to details, customized service, quality and time management, IULE enjoys a strong bond with its students and clients.
Since the inception of IULE in 2010, focus and zeal to impart quality training programs have transformed volumes of success. Fully fledged infrastructure, constant R&D, specially designed training modules are just several factors which immaculately make IULE the best place for all foreign language services.
Facilities at IULE:
The Portuguese Language Course is Offered by Speakeng India.
The course in Portuguese language comprises of three levels. They are elementary, basic and advanced. The elementary level comprises of the fundamentals of the language.
Cd’A Global Language Centre is an ISO certified premium and most trusted foreign language teaching institute in Kolkata, India. After successfully completing a course each candidate is entitled to get a valid ISO certified certificate as per CERF Norms.
In this program, students will develop their cultural background of the Portuguese-speaking countries nowadays, to better understand their diversity and complexities.
Gain some familiarity with the linguistic situation in the world; of the chosen language; Formal versus spoken language.
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