It became obvious that we needed to add a third day to allow practicals on fabricating beautiful provisionals and the bonding of definitive restorations under rubber dam.
This 3 Day full immersion course has been refined and improved upon as a result of feedback from delegates over the last 5 years.
It became obvious that we needed to add a third day to allow practicals on fabricating beautiful provisionals and the bonding of definitive restorations under rubber dam.
We believe that this is the most comprehensive Posterior Prep Course in the UK.
Modern adhesive dentistry has allowed us to use far more conservative tooth preparation for indirect restorations.
We can now utilise the principles of enamel/dentine bonding to restore posterior teeth with ceramic or composite onlays/overlays, thus preserving precious tooth structure.
In this three-day hands on course delegates will learn:
The principles of bonding composite/porcelain to enamel and dentine.
The different available materials ie. Gold, composite and emax and the key advantages of
The difference between inlays, onlays and overlays and when to use them.
When to keep a cusp vs when to reduce it and use cuspal coverage.
How to assess and deal with cracks in posterior teeth.
When to switch from overlays to full coverage crowns.
Occlusal assessment and consideration when restoring posterior teeth.
The use of trial equilibration to help plan cases.
Hands on preparation of molar teeth for 4 onlays/overlays and 4 full coverage crowns
Immediate dentine sealing
Restoration of the endodontically treated premolar/molar
Fibre-posts vs endocrowns
Hands-on provisionalisation of full coverage crowns
Hands-on isolation and bonding of at least 3 overlays and 4 crowns under rubber dam.
Hands-on finishing and polishing protocol.
We often see case presentations in the literature or online which inspire us yet leave us wondering how such a level of precision and predictability can be achieved in our everyday practice.
Precision Academy courses are designed to equip delegates with the skills necessary to produce show-stopping dentistry with every case, every single day.
The courses are taught using typodonts in proper phantom heads which allow the use of water-cooled turbine handpieces, just like we use every day in practice. I refuse to teach on desktop models as it bears no relevance to the real world where we must contend with a fixed maxilla, water spray, mirror vision and our normal working posture.
I have spent 25 years developing and refining techniques which I use every day in practice and it is these very techniques that I share. Every process, every step and every detail is fully explained to demystify and above all simplify every procedure.
I have broken my techniques down into easily learnt and easily adopted systems which take the guesswork out of dentistry.
Step-by-step systems which incorporate diagnosis, occlusal considerations, treatment planning, preparation, provisionalisation, try in and finally bonding technique.
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