Our Primary Postgraduate Certificate in Education is based on a partnership between us and schools within the region. It is a high-quality programme of professional education, leading to qualified teacher status (QTS) and Master’s level credits.
The Primary Postgraduate Certificate in Education is a high-quality programme of professional education. Warwick's Centre for Teacher Education has partnerships with schools across the region. You'll become a confident teacher and make a real difference to young children's development.
Course Overview
Our Primary Postgraduate Certificate in Education is based on a partnership between us and schools within the region. It is a high-quality programme of professional education, leading to qualified teacher status (QTS) and Master’s level credits.
Our course aims to develop you into a highly reflective practitioner, able to adapt and respond to changes in settings and national educational contexts, and able to take responsibility for your ongoing professional development in preparation for future leadership.
From us, you can expect a taught course which will prepare you for the realities and rigours of teaching a broad curriculum fit for the 21st century. You’ll also have access to excellent personal, academic and pastoral support.
From our partner schools, you can expect a programme of mentor support and professional training and development, which will complement the University-based elements of the course, and which will support your development of classroom practice.
Enhanced training in SEN teaching and learning is a distinctive aspect of our school and professional experience.
The Warwick Teacher Values, based on social justice, curiosity and creativity run through all our programmes.
Core Modules
Professional Enquiry: This module is concerned with pedagogy – the method and practice of teaching. It addresses central issues such as, teaching methods, how children learn, meeting individual needs, assessment, differentiation and behaviour management.
Subject Studies: This module is concerned with ensuring that you are able to teach children English, Mathematics and Science as well as all of the foundation subjects. It will develop you subject knowledge as well as provide you with a wealth of teaching approaches and activities for each subject.
Professional Practice: this module includes both taught content and school placements, and is underpinned by professional enquiry.
Teaching and Assessment
Regular tutorials and a flexible seminar programme ensure that you are treated as an individual from the outset and are supported to progress according to your ability, taking account of your professional and personal development needs.
You will be assessed through written Masters’ level assignments, which are aimed at assessing your professional and subject specific learning. You’ll also be assessed on whether you meet the Teachers’ Standards at a level appropriate for a newly qualified teacher.
The Language Centre has been part of the University of Warwick's central academic services since its establishment in 1964. The Language Laboratory was first set up in 1964 on the East Site (Gibbet Hill Site), by the Senior Technician Laurie Evans.
It moved to new premises in 1966 in a new building which is now solely the Library, but the building then housed the Arts Faculty, Library, Book-bindery and Photography departments. When the Arts faculty (Humanities) building was constructed in 1970, we occupied a few rooms within our current location.
We have taken over a few adjacent rooms over the years to reach our current capacity. We managed at last in 1995 to equip all four of our language laboratories with the same machines, standardizing with the Tandberg IS10 model. This has made the life of our tutors easier by not having to become familiar with different operating controls.
Laurie Evans became Superintendant, but later was re-designated Director until his death in 1985. Afterward, the post of Director was taken by Noemi Messora (appointed 50%) and when she left Warwick to return to Italy, Bob Powell was appointed to a full-time post as Director in 1993.
It can be seen from the archive photographs that Language Laboratory technology has moved on, from valve open-reel tape recorders to transistor solid-state open-reel, cassette tape recorders. Having recently installed a fully digitalized satellite system, we are now progressing to totally computerized digital sound recording.
We have always maintained pace with technology to enable our tutors to utilise the most modern teaching methods - sometimes at the cutting edge of innovation. The Centre's activities continue to expand as part of the University's long-term commitment to the increased provision of foreign language tuition across the Faculties.
Unit 1 – Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
The Level 3 technical qualification in Education and Early Years will provide you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to progress into skilled employment or higher-level technical training or study within the early years sector.
You’ll explore how to work and manage fitness facilities, like gyms, as well as how to improve your own physical and mental fitness.
This qualification will give students the skills and understanding required in the sport and physical activity sector. Students will gain knowledge in areas such as sports coaching, exercise, health and lifestyle, fitness testing, athlete's lifestyle, coaching special populations, and preparing for
Evaluate your training programmes overall effectiveness in addition to assessing training at learner or course level.
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