. Presentation and oratory are not inherited skills but can be learned by working on these skills over a period of time. Even a quiet introvert can learn to deliver powerful presentations with confidence and excellence.
Course Overview
How do you create and deliver effective presentations? How learn to become a good presenter of your presentation? It is truly said- “A picture is worth a thousand words”. But a great presentation skill requires design and self-confidence.
If these two vital elements are not improvised upon, then it is time you develop your presentation skills through this training program offered by Zoe Talent Solutions.
Presentation and oratory are not inherited skills but can be learned by working on these skills over a period of time. Even a quiet introvert can learn to deliver powerful presentations with confidence and excellence.
So what’s the worth of having good and effective presentation skills? Sales pitches, Internal training and development programs, business development presentations, cascading corporate communication and plans, all require good presentation and public speaking skills.
Course Objectives
By the end of the Effective Presentation Skills Training Course, participants will be able to:
Plan presentations being mindful of the audience
Create clear-cut objectives for the presentation
Assess factors to construct presentations to deliver key ideas
Keep audience attention to have an enhanced introduction with attention-grabber techniques
Develop efficient slides, visual aids, and handouts
Learn methods, tools, and techniques for effective presentations
Learn relaxation and destress techniques
Understand the techniques of non-verbal communication
Develop body styles and have a confident body language
Learn how to improve the quality of the voice
Deal with challenging questions during and post-presentation
Understand the concepts of motivation and positive influence toward compelling actions
Course Outline
Below are the modules that will be covered in the Personal Development and Productivity Training Course:
Module 1
Know Your Audience
Plan your Presentation
Be Organised
Technology- The Importance
Presentation Formation
Setting clearly defined Objectives
Audience Analysis
Importance of Openings and Closings
Logistics and Venue
Adapting yourself to the presentation space in advance
Module 2
Drafting your Presentations
Understanding the purpose of your presentation
Gathering substance and content for the presentation
Building the subject matter
Presentation of the presentation
Designing the presentation
Practise, self-rehearsals, and improvising
Controlling the space and environment
Module 3
The relation between Preparation, Relaxation, and Stress
Confidence and Control
Transforming nervousness to enthusiasm
Breathing exercises and nervousness
Psychology and Chemistry of stress and fear
Body Language
Tips to cope with nerves
The posture of the body and mind
Eye Contact
Module 4
Presentation Contents
Subject and substance
Types of presentations
Equipment and Venue
Creative Ideas – Brainstorming and Mind-mapping
Innovation and the dare to drive ideologies
Materials, props and visual aids
Exercises and case studies
Video and sound clips
Statistics, Surveys, and Diagrams
Quotations, jokes, stories, and analogies
Stories, Picture and animation illustrations
Module 5
Audience Participation
The audience needs and addressing general crises
Straw polls
Inviting a volunteer
Asking the audience to do something or engage
Prizes, awards and recognizing people and their achievements
Recommendation of Books
Icebreakers and games- Knowing each other
Anticipating audience questions
Know your subject knowledge and reference points
Notes Arrangement- cue cards, sheet notes
Module 6
Body and Structure of the Presentation- Importance
Presentation Structure – Sections, Order, Headings
Presentation Body- Introduction, content, Closing
Principle of Repetition and the human mind
Points of Interest and early impact during Introductions
Speaking and Thinking like the audience and their profiles
Building trust, impression and credibility
Time Management
Fall-backs, Plan-B and Contingency plans
Dress rehearsals, feedbacks, Refining the structure
Module 7
Vocal Image and Impression
Qualities of the Effective Voice
Voice control and volume
Improvising on Articulation and language
Vocal variety and modulation
Developing Significance with voice modulation
Impactful voice
Matching body movements with voice
Encouraging participants to be vocal
Types of Vocals
Handling the soreness of voice and vocal cords
Noise, sound, and chaos
Module 8
Common Mistakes during Presentations
Breathing Fast or Holding your breath
Unacceptable facial expressions
Lackluster Visualization
The Uses and Abuses of Visual Aids
Talking too fast and neutralizing accent
Too much material in too short of a time
Admitting you know everything
Apologizing for mistakes, words, or actions
Global economics proves to us on a daily basis the organisational need for ‘fore-most’ and ‘leading’ talent in order to succeed in increasingly complex and competitive global markets. In order to achieve the ‘best’ possible result for organizations, developing the right talent is as much a necessity as hiring and retaining employees.
ZOE Talent Solutions is a global training and consulting firm that has been serving leading businesses in many countries. We specialise in capacity building and talent development solutions for individuals and organisations, through our highly customised courses and training sessions, in a wide array of disciplines.
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