In order to have a truly successful business, you need to provide good customer service. It is believed that 96% of unhappy customers don’t ever complain; However 91% of those simply leave and never come back.
In order to have a truly successful business, you need to provide good customer service. It is believed that 96% of unhappy customers don’t ever complain; However 91% of those simply leave and never come back.
The main reason for customer churn is not price but bad customer service. Handling a business’s issues in a professional and courteous manner is an essential day-to-day task.
What Does This Qualification Cover?
This qualification aims to:
The objectives of this qualification are to help learners to:
We are a registered training provider who pride ourselves on delivering a training experience that is tailored to individuals learning styles and needs.
Reach4Skills Training was founded in 2014. It was originally founded out of a need to upskill delivery staff at EnergyKidz, and has since become a leader in the nursery and childcare training space as well as extending it’s offering to business qualifications.
We are a registered training provider who pride ourselves on delivering a training experience that is tailored to individuals’ learning styles and needs. We are recognised as a leading provider of innovative training programs, expert training and are renowned for high quality delivery.
Our learners receive top quality training using blended learning and our assessors know how to get the best out of our learners. We work with employers to ensure the learner will not only have the knowledge to fulfil the role but have the practical skills too.
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