No matter how phenomenal your merchandise or service are, or how gifted your sales team are, they’ll not be capable to attain a deal with your customer if they don’t know how to determine their buying needs to match potential buyers with products or services best matched to their needs.
No matter how phenomenal your merchandise or service are, or how gifted your sales team are, they’ll not be capable to attain a deal with your customer if they don’t know how to determine their buying needs to match potential buyers with products or services best matched to their needs.
To be prosperous & impressive in selling, your sales squad must be organized with all the indispensable and proper sales techniques and knowledge before they go on their sales appointment.
Your sales staff must recognize what to inquire & demonstrate during the sales appointment or call then effectively perform an appropriate plan, on-the-scene, or after the sales appointment.
Without recognizing the proper processes and strategy in the selling process, nearly most sales efforts are ineffective. Most inexperience’s sales people rush to the bottom line sale, without realizing the power of building rapport.
his two day workshop will build upon your professional sales skills to the point where you can effectively “sell” in almost any situation.
During this workshop we will use a combination of abstract demonstration, role-plays, exercises & break away session discussion, participants are capable to formulate skill sets to address with selling consequences in imaginative methods that heighten their personal potency as well for that of their team members.
At Skills Training Toronto, our interactive performance based training methodologies combine theory learning with “real-life” training exercises so that participants can quickly match their own unique work tasks/situations to the new skills being trained.
This is what sets us apart from other training companies. We do not use pre-packaged one size fits all training courses, we modify each and every course to match your companies unique needs.
In-class coaching, skill reinforcement exercises, and tailor made in class training job aids are continually used in our workshops to maximize learning retention, another element that sets us apart from other training companies.
We are an established, performance based company that provides training to all types of organizations with the goal to improve skill sets, workplace knowledge, to ultimately enhance staff workplace behaviors.
We provide training in Toronto and to every major city across Canada. With over 15 years in ensuring a solid post training ROI, we are a good starting place to help you improve workplace skill sets for your staff.
Some of our repeat corporate clients are within the retail, technical, telecommunications, service, automotive, call centre and UHN industries.
We also have the expertise to create specific training courses, or online elearning modules including testing assessments, to suit your unique workplace requirements. Please see our specific webpage on this developmental area.
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