Our portal provides intensive study material of the same level as Pearson uses in the exam. All the questions are real exam questions that have been asked in the past few years. All the questions that are added towards the end are the latest ones which you should not miss.
Face to Face Classes
Our portal provides intensive study material of the same level as Pearson uses in the exam. All the questions are real exam questions that have been asked in the past few years. All the questions that are added towards the end are the latest ones which you should not miss. You can buy access to this portal as per your study plan.
Who we are
We are a group of highly qualified and experienced professionals who are success-hungry as we will leave no stone unturned to help you to achieve your required score, be it 79 or 65 each. After hearing heartfelt stories from many people around us, we were inspired to design this comprehensive PTE course that provides flexibility to help you attain your desired score in first go. This is our promise to you; if you apply our coaching perfectly, you will not have to do it again.
Mission Statement
Our mission is simple - be positive, be motivated and work hard to bring results. We at Endeavour PTE Study Centre will bring the best in you so that you can achieve your goals in life. This is our promise to you!
At Wings Education, we plan and design our courses keeping your background and control over the subject matter and needs in mind. As a result, you will get various options and the liberty to choose the course that best fit your English proficiency level, budget, and schedule.
UQ College Test Services, as a third-party Pearson VUE test centre is still operating with additional health and safety measures in place
Another feature of our training is intense practice along with the training that has resulted in getting the desired scores of the students in first attempt.
At PTE Training, we offer a range of different PTE classes in Brisbane and the surrounding areas. The versatility of our programs means there is an option to suit every need, budget and skill level.
A fast-track tailored program for PTE aspirants who want to learn the tips and tricks of the PTE Test; foundation course covers all the four modules Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening and their respective components with intensive face-to-face classes.
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