Python Programming course is offered by Praya Labs. We always do lots of research on Curriculum Building for making the learners to acquire good knowledge from all our training. We are making our learners to think instead of teaching the concepts.
Python Programming course is offered by Praya Labs. We always do lots of research on Curriculum Building for making the learners to acquire good knowledge from all our training. We are making our learners to think instead of teaching the concepts. We always give more focus on setting up very strong foundational knowledge on what we train.
We always do lots of research on Curriculum Building for making the learners to acquire good knowledge from all our trainings. So, then what kind of training we focus on? We always give more focus on setting up very strong foundational knowledge on what we train.
We believe, nothing is there to teach theoretical concepts and always ours will be the 200% practical sessions. We are making our learners to think instead of teaching the concepts.
Research -> Building Curriculum -> Training -> Testing with Scenarios -> Certification
This is our Training Life Cycle. We do training for Kids, College Students, and Professionals. We also extend our services in the form of College/School Workshops, Hands-on Trainings, 1-1 Trainings, Faculty Programs on
Augmented Reality | Virtual Reality | Kids Programming Toolsets | IOT | Digital Twin | Programming | Drupal
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