R Programming course is offered by AEIT for all skill levels. Our courses integrate Practical, Hands-on Training & Exposure with Industry use case studies and real projects using datasets from companies like Uber, Amazon, Sandisk, Nike, Swiggy, Yelp, and Walmart, etc.
- Fundamentals Of R
- Installing R and RStudio.
- Installing and Activating R Packages.
- Setting the Working Directory.
- Basic Operations in R.
- Working With Variables.
- Vectors
- Creating Vectors With the c() Function.
- Create Vectors Using the Colon Operator.
- Creating Vectors With the rep() Function.
- Create Vectors With the seq() Function.
- Create Empty Vectors.
- Indexing Vectors With Numeric Indices.
- Indexing Vectors With Logical Indices.
- Naming Vector Components.
- Filtering Vectors.
- The Functions all() and any().
- Sum and Product of Vector Components.
- Vectorized Operations.
- Treating Missing Values in Vectors.
- Sorting Vectors.
- Minimum and Maximum Values.
- The ifelse() Function.
- Adding and Multiplying Vectors.
- Testing Vector Equality.
- Vector Correlation.
- Matrices and Arrays
- Creating Matrices With the matrix() Function.
- Create Matrices With the rbind() and cbind() Functions.
- Naming Matrix Rows and Columns.
- Indexing Matrices.
- Filtering Matrices.
- Editing Values in Matrices.
- Adding and Deleting Rows and Columns.
- Minima and Maxima in Matrices.
- Applying Functions to Matrices.
- Adding and Multiplying Matrices.
- Other Matrix Operations.
- Creating Multidimensional Arrays.
- Indexing Multidimensional Arrays.
- Create Lists With the list() Function.
- Create Lists With the vector() Function.
- Indexing Lists With Brackets.
- Indexing Lists Using Objects Names.
- Editing Values in Lists.
- Adding and Removing List Objects.
- Applying Functions to Lists.
- Factors
- Working With Factors.
- Splitting a Vector By a Factor Levels.
- The tapply() Function.
- The by() Function.
- Data Frames
- Creating Data Frames.
- Loading Data Frames From External Files.
- Writing Data Frames in External Files.
- Indexing Data Frames As Lists.
- Indexing Data Frames As Matrices.
- Selecting a Random Sample of Entries.
- Filtering Data Frames.
- Editing Values in Data Frames.
- Adding Rows and Columns to Data Frames.
- Naming Rows and Columns in Data Frames.
- Applying Functions to Data Frames.
- Sorting Data Frames.
- Shuffling Data Frames.
- Merging Data Frames.
- Programming Structures
- For Loops.
- While Loops.
- Repeat Loops.
- Conditional Statements.
- Nested Conditional Statements.
- Loops and Conditional Statements.
- User Defined Functions.
- The Return Command.
- More Complex Functions Examples.
- Checking Whether an Integer Is a Perfect Square.
- A Custom Function That Solves Quadratic Equations.
- Binary Operations.
- Working With Strings
- Creating Strings.
- Printing Strings.
- Concatenating Strings.
- String Manipulation.
- Functions for Finding Patterns in Strings.
- Functions for Replacing Patterns in Strings.
- Regular Expressions.
- Plotting in Base R
- Building Scatterplot Charts.
- Setting Graphical Parameters.
- Adding a Trend Line to a Scatterplot.
- Building a Clustered Scatterplot.
- Plotting a Line Chart.
- Setting the Line Parameters.
- Overplotting Lines and Dots.
- Plotting Two Lines in the Same Chart.
- Plotting Bar Charts.
- Setting the Bar Parameters.
- Plotting Histograms.
- Plotting Density Lines.
- How to plot Pie Charts.
- Plotting Boxplot Charts.
- Plotting Functions.
- Exporting Charts.
- Apply family
- Introduction to the apply family.
- Tapply and the by command.
- Eapply, sapply, lapply.
- Vapply, replicate, mapply.
- Rapply and summary.
- Apply family exercises.
- Apply family solutions.