ReactJS Front-end Development

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Basic front-end development is to convert web application design (UX) files into User Interface (UI) of the web application through HTML, JavaScript (JS) and CSS coding. Its advanced part is the implementation of React JS.


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img Duration

4 Months

Course Details

Basic front-end development is to convert web application design (UX) files into User Interface (UI) of the web application through HTML, JavaScript (JS) and CSS coding. Its advanced part is the implementation of React JS. Front-end developers in the industry has equally high demand as the Back-end developers. As they complement each other.



  • Module 1: JavaScript, jQuery, ES6
  • JavaScript Types (Internal, External), Variables, Dialogue Boxes, Output, Operators (Logical, Assignment), Spread Operators, Data Types, Class-Object, Events & Event Listener, String & Methods, Array & Methods, Date & Moment, Loop (For, For/of, For/in, While), Typeof & Type Conversion, RegExp, Errors (Try, Catch, Finally, Throw), Scope, Hoisting, this Keyword, Call-Apply-Bind Functions, Arrow Functions, Async (Callback, Promise, Async/Await), JSON (Stringify, Parse, Objects), Debugging, Timing Events, Location, Storage & Cookies. jQuery CDN, Selectors, Events, Effects, Add Elements (Append, Prepend, After, Before), Remove Elements (Remove, Empty), Manipulating CSS (AddClass, RemoveClass, ToggleClass, CSS), AJAX (GET, POST, LOAD); Review of ES6 features.
  • Module 2: Introduction & Usage of TS (TypeScript)
  • Simple types and Special types, Arrays, Tuples, Object Types, Enum, Interface, Union, Function Return types, Casting, Generics, Null, Undefined, Optional Chaining
  • Module 3: Introduction & Installation of React with TypeScript
  • React Introduction, Installation & Architecture, Library vs. Framework, Virtual DOM, Features, App Creation, JSX.
  • Module 4: React Fundamentals
  • Keys, Refs, Lists, Fragments , Rendering Elements along with Conditional Rendering, Components (Class, Functional, Stateful, Stateless, Pure), Component Lifecycle, Difference between the Components, Events, Synthetic Events. Forms using Formik and Yup (Validation).
  • Module 5: Props and States
  • Initialization, Defining and Updating of State, PropTypes, Unidirectional Data Flow, Props Validation, State vs Props, Mutability and Immutability.
  • Module 6: Hooks
  • Introduction of React Hooks, useState() , useEffect(), useRef(), useMemo(), useCallback(), Context.
  • Module 7: React Router
  • Introduction of React Router, URL Parameters, Memory Router, Browser Router, Hash Router, Routes, Route, Link, Switch, NavLink, Code Splitting (React.lazy, Suspense, Fallback), Nested Routing, Dynamic Routing, Protected Routing with Authentication.
  • Module 8: REST API & React
  • Fundamentals of REST API, Methods, API integrations, Display Data using DataTable, CRUD application using ready APIs, Error Handling. Add-on: SSO with Google.
  • Module 9: Redux
  • Introduction of React Redux, Redux -State, Store, Actions, Reducer, useSelector(), useDispatch(), useReducer() Add-on: Redux Toolkit
  • Use of AI in React JS coding
  • Basic Overview of ChatGPT, Usecase of ChatGPT using context, Constraint and Expectation, Free sampling of AI based API consumption, Optimizing any basic backend crud operation or frontend project using the help of AI tools.
  • Project Work :
  • Once all modules have been successfully completed, students will be assigned a full-stack application development project. The project will involve using provided functionality APIs to build an industry-standard application. This will include creating a front-end user interface in React with TypeScript and connecting it with the functional APIs. The project will be reviewed and approved by a project manager directly from the industry.
  • Certification
  • On successful completion of the training and the assigned project work, students get certified as Trainee React JS Developer by SysAlgo Technologies, the software division of Ejobindia.
  • Kolkata Branch

    SDF Building, Module #617-618, 5th Floor, Kolkata

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