Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic methods derived from this study based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body.
For Massage & Manual Therapists. Diversify your practice and become a Certified Reflexologist through this CCMH professional development program.
Open only to manual therapists, such as massage therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, chiropractors, and osteopaths, who already have a thorough knowledge of body systems, common pathologies, and their clinical presentations, this certificate program will allow for inclusion of Foot Reflexology into your existing practice.
Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic methods derived from this study based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body.
Through the application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve circulation, and support the body's efforts to function optimally.
Program Informaton
The CCMH Certified Reflexology Certificate Program follows the curriculum of the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) and involves classroom training spread over 5 days, approximately 100 hours of at-home workbook completion and case study sessions, followed by a written and practical final exam.
The entire program can be completed in as little as 6 months or as much as 1 year. Upon successful completion you are eligible to apply for membership with RAC and include this ever-growing modality in your clinic offerings.
What's Included
Classroom time & instruction
Reflexology Chart (laminated)
Routine Reference Sheet (laminated)
Supplies for in-class practice (basin, foot soak, linens, lotion, cleaning solution)
Review of Workbook
Template for Case Study Chart
Review of Case Studies
Review for Exam
Written Exam
Practical Exam
CCMH offers both online and onsite Continuing Education Courses from refreshing anatomy reviews to advanced clinical skills.
If you are a graduate of CCMH from the campus in Halifax, NS (once located in Bedford), you can request a transcript or replacement diploma by contacting our Director of Education, Natasha Joyce at ******
Fees may apply. If you are a graduate of any other CCMH campus that is no longer operating, you must contact the government department of that province in order to access your records.
CCMH in Halifax does not have alumni information for graduates from the schools that were once in Ontario or Alberta.
This course combines Core Reflexology (Theory) with Foot Reflexology (Practical hands-on) It may be taken for professional certification purposes.
In-person reflexology certification training are usually offered in Regina, Saskatchewan on designated dates and times and always on a weekend.
Massage Therapy program provides you with the in-depth academic preparation and hands-on practical experience required to become a valued member of a health care team.
Students learn anatomy and physiology of feet and hands to apply pressure with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. In reflexology practice, technique is applied to the relevant reflex area(s) to prompt a change in the related part of the body.
You will be exploring anatomy & physiology, pathological condition of the human body and practicing the reflexology routine.
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