Our Reflexology course is designed to teach you how to competently perform one of the most in-demand holistic therapy massages within the industry, as well as incorporating the theoretical knowledge behind reflexology, and the various massage movements required for this particular treatment.
Proven to be a beneficial method of assisting bodily healing, promoting well-being and diagnosing ailments within the body, this massage technique has become increasingly popular with clients of all ages.
What this course covers:
Course structure:
This course is structured over two days and each runs from 10am – 4pm. We ask students to arrive at 9.45am to ensure a prompt start. You will learn the theory of the treatment firstly, and spend the majority of the day practising your practical skills, with a short break for lunch.
The Beauty Academy offers friendly and flexible high quality training courses in Beauty Therapy, Nail Care, Hair Removal, Make-up & Eye Treatments and Holistic Therapy.
The Beauty Academy was established in 1990 to provide beauty therapy training courses and we have since seen a dramatic expansion, with purpose-built training centres appearing throughout England.
Every one of our academies can confidently proclaim their absolute dedication in providing the highest standard of tuition in all of our beauty therapy and holistic therapy training courses including NVQ Courses and Diploma Courses in make-Up, Beauty and Nails.
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