Introduce your little ones to the exciting world of robotics and coding with our Robot Newbies class! Designed for children who are 5 years old, this class nurtures their logical thinking, fine motor skills, and basic coding abilities while fostering a fun and interactive environment
Introduce your little ones to the exciting world of robotics and coding with our Robot Newbies class!
Designed for children who are 5 years old, this class nurtures their logical thinking, fine motor skills, and basic coding abilities while fostering a fun and interactive environment for communication with fellow students.
We utilize the innovative robotic kit, providing an engaging hands-on experience during class. Additionally, there is an option to purchase the robotics kit for at-home practice or/and course completion, suitable for children aged 4-5 years old.
Join our robotics and coding class for a thrilling learning journey!
Term 4 dates are 14th October – 14th December.
This is a robotics and coding class designed to teach and nurture essential skills needed in both school and life. These skills include logical thinking, fine motor skills, color and surface comprehension, basic logical reasoning, understanding cause and effect, following instructions, communication, technology, fundamental coding, and, of course, having fun while learning.
Recommended age is 5 years old, great for young smarties.
The course can be completed at home using the robotics kit.
Check our Curriculum Map to see STEMLOOK student path.
Enroll your child today to join STEMLOOK robotics playgroup.
There are 9 classes per School Term.
STEMLOOK is an innovative school of educational experiences in STEM that includes: robotics, coding (blocks, Scratch, Python, JavaScript, C#), AI (Artificial Intelligence), 3D Game design courses (Unity C#) for students K-Y10.
We run In-Person and Online classes, school holiday camps (Minecraft Coding, Python, Robotics, Roblox Coding). Our aim is to inspire children to think out of the box, to solve complex problems, to use creativity, to apply knowledge in practice.
We use personalised learning approach. The classes are led by qualified teachers. As a results, children are kept busy, connected and educated.
We offer Online Self-Directed courses and Robotic Kits in our shop for children of all ages (K-Y8) if you decide to study robotics, coding and STEM by yourself at home. Join our community today and prepare your kids for the future.
Stemlook Student’s Path
Coding and robotics are new “must have” skills for every student in the modern world. We have designed our program to match the age of the students.
We have introduced a hybrid education model – mix of traditional in-person classes and online learning process. It allows educators and our students to benefit from the advantages of both online and in-class education.
Our students have access to the educational materials in their personal cabinet of our Online Educational System. It means, home tasks, challenges and materials are available anytime anywhere.
Children can start plunging into the world of robotics at the age of 4-5 years old on our Robot Newbies classes. They will get acquainted with robotics and basic programming.
For the children 6-7 years old (Y1-Y2 ), we are happy to offer Robot Explorers and Code Newbies classes. Robot Explorers course lasts for 4 school terms and includes 2 robotic kits (basic kit and an upgrade on term 3).
The robotic kit is included in the price of the course. The course aims to develop the following skills: logical thinking, problem solving, engineering and basic coding concepts.
During 4 terms of Code Newbies course, students will learn the basics of coding using KODU. During the course children will get familiar with algorithms, loops, conditions and variables. They will be designing and creating their own 3D games and programming scenarios.
Children of 8-13 years (school year Y3-Y7) old can enroll into Robot Engineers course. Students will learn how to design and build robots. Programming of the robots is performed in user-friendly environment (block-programming and C).
In short, our classes target developing all “skills” required for the course: coding, engineering, math, physics and electronics. Moreover, our curriculum is being constantly updated to reflect the latest achievements in science, robotics and space exploration. The course consists of 6 levels. Each level lasts 2 school terms.
For children in school year Y3-Y5 we have Code Explorers course. Students will learn coding in Scratch. There are 4 terms of classes to ensure children are confident in using their coding skills.
As a next level for coding, we offer Code Engineers course, which consists of 4 terms of studying coding in Python. The course is available for children Y6-Y8. Previous coding experience (e.g. Scratch) preferable, but not mandatory.
Advanced coding classes (Code Experts) last 4 terms and are based on Java. We accept children Y7-Y9 in the classes with previous experience in coding (Python).
AI Architects course designed for students in school year Y7-Y9. This is advanced AI class. Students are required to have experience in Robotics (Robot Engineers) or Coding (Code Engineers).
The course is designed to introduce children to the science of Artificial Intelligence. As a result, they will get familiar with Big Data, Machine Learning, Predictive Models, Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning.
Stemlook Unique Educational Model
STEMLOOK has always kept abreast of the times and provided high quality education to kids by suiting its educational practices to the needs of its students.
As a result, we came up with two educational streams: ‘In-Person + LMS’ and ‘Online / LIVE + LMS’. ‘In-Person + LMS’ education consists of two parts. Firstly, it is face to face classes in one of STEMLOOK campuses. Secondly, it is a Learning Management System (LMS).
‘Online / LIVE + LMS’ is distant education, which is gaining in popularity. It gives students an opportunity to study via the Internet with the help of materials located there (home tasks, challenges, quizzes and materials).
It is very convenient for those who want to learn but do not have an opportunity to do it in-person. To manage the timetable, systematize the material, STEMLOOK delivers online education with the help of a LMS.
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