Welcome to our introductory course on robotics and block-based coding, specifically designed for beginners. In this course, you will explore the fundamentals of robotics, electronics, and programming using mBlock, a user-friendly block-based coding platform.
Welcome to our introductory course on robotics and block-based coding, specifically designed for beginners. In this course, you will explore the fundamentals of robotics, electronics, and programming using mBlock, a user-friendly block-based coding platform. Through ten lessons organized into three key steps, you'll gain valuable skills and insights into the world of robotics and automation.
Step into the exciting realm of robotics with "Basics of Robotics and Electronics Development." Get started with mBlock and discover its intuitive environment, blocks, and logic. Learn how to create, deploy, run, and test your programs while gaining control over the robotic vehicle's motors.
Dive into the mechanics of the robotic vehicle, identify any necessary adjustments, and master three types of turns to navigate effectively.
In "The Precise Motor Control" step, you'll explore advanced motor control, allowing you to manage the speed and smoothness of the robotic vehicle. Learn to create programs that incorporate parameters and discrete input data, enabling you to fine-tune the car's speed using counters.
The final step, "Work with the UltraSonic Sensor," delves into the challenges of distance estimation in the field of robotics. Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the UltraSonic sensor and practice its applications in mBlock.
Design programs that guide the robotic vehicle around obstacles, control its speed based on proximity to walls and even follow moving objects. Challenge your skills with programs to detect gaps in walls and orchestrate the intricate dance of two robots circling each other.
By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in robotics, electronics, and block-based coding, equipping you with the skills to create, program, and control robotic systems. Join us on this interactive journey into the world of robotics, where your creativity and problem-solving abilities will shine.
These days, the world is becoming increasingly volatile and digital. Many industries, including business, science, and even art, are moving into the virtual space. London Robotics School offers an innovative supplementary education program designed to prepare children for the technological challenges of the future.
Our program features weekend school sessions that cover subjects in high demand in both the digital and real worlds: coding, robotics and modelling. Coding serves as the foundation and platform for the digital world and the digitisation of our society. Children will acquire and enhance their skills in programming languages like Scratch, Python and others.
Pupils will have the opportunity to write code for robots and program their functions at various levels of complexity. We offer a range of programs suitable for children who are new to coding, as well as potential projects designed for teenagers aspiring to gain admission to prestigious UK universities.
These projects will allow them to showcase their work and enhance their chances of acceptance. Robotics is a highly sought-after field of knowledge, particularly in the context of the growing automation of our lives.
The classes are conducted using educational robots with elements of artificial intelligence (AI). Pupils will not only have the chance to code the robot to perform specific functions but also assemble it themselves, deriving great enjoyment from the process.
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