The Rope Ops / Tech course covers start to finish rope rescue operations. It will meet the needs of both the new rescuer and the seasoned rope technician, refining existing KSAs and introducing new ones.
All ARS Rope courses are designed to appeal to both seasoned rope rescuers as well as new inductees into the rescue community. Custom courses can be contracted for any level of experience and for specific industrial applications.
Each class will be tailored to meet your needs and your specific protocol.
We understand that not every agency practices rope rescue the same way, we will introduce options and work with the students in the methods that meet your agency's needs and their comfort.
Rope Ops / Tech:
The Rope Ops / Tech course covers start to finish rope rescue operations. It will meet the needs of both the new rescuer and the seasoned rope technician, refining existing KSAs and introducing new ones.
Areas of particular focus will be rope physics, mechanical advantage theory, practical application, complex systems, and resource management. Students will begin with the basics and work their way up to meeting all of the requirements for NFPA and all current industry standards.
Industrial rope rescue and access share many of the same standards as Fire Rescue but not all of the same missions. Additionally, there are many industry concerns beyond NFPA including ANSI and OSHA. Each Industrial Rope course will be tailored to your needs and application.
Advanced Rescue Solutions Is dedicated to the advancement of safe rescue operations through quality training. Our Instructors believe that this concept is best for both the rescuer and the patient.
They have taught rescue operations across the county and to students from around the world. All ARS Instructors are active members of metropolitan fire departments and FEMA rescue teams.
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