Sage training: HR payroll allows you to perform the essential payroll functions in compliance with the regulatory and legal framework and to adapt to the workforce and functional needs of your company.
Pedagogical objectives of the Sage training: HR payroll
- The basic settings of the Payroll software Sage 100 Windows Pack +
- Be operational on all the processing carried out by the Sage Paie 100 Windows software
- Module 1 of the Sage Payroll HR training: Personalization (Practical exercises)
- Creation of the establishment(s) (multi-company management)
- Pay Plan Settings
- Compliance of the plan with collective agreements
- Definition of constants, items and variables
- Model bulletins (creation, application)
- Personnel sheets: creation and modification
- Accounting modeling: accounts, breakdowns, entries
- Module 2 of the Sage Payroll HR training: Common processing (Practical exercises)
- Entry or exit of personnel
- Entering variables (overtime, illness, bonuses, etc.)
- Calculation and edition of payslips
- Management of deposits and payments
- Duplicate ballots
- Processing and validation
- Intermediate and monthly closing, bookkeeping
- Module 3 of the Sage Payroll HR training: Statements (Practical exercises)
- Monthly editions (payroll, statement of absences)
- Periodic editions: statements of contributions
- Control with accumulation reports (items and constants)
- Data Archiving
- Module 4 of the Sage Payroll HR training: Advanced functions (Practical exercises)
- Reverse payroll calculation
- Participation and employee savings
- Training management (monitoring and control, DIF)
- Setting up the Personal Training Account
- Management of restaurant vouchers
- Employee exit assistant
- Management of DUCS Urssaf, Arrco-Agirc, Welfare
- Development and declaration of the DADSU N4DS
- CICE States
- Link to the Sage Direct Declarations portal
- Personalization of editions
- Alerts and download social updates
- Annual closing