SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) course is offered by EduOrk. All our instructors are certified or have extensive industry experience and upgraded to the latest market standards.
SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) course is offered by EduOrk. All our instructors are certified or have extensive industry experience and upgraded to the latest market standards.
Almost all our trainers have more than 10+ year of training and professional working experience, have conducted trainings globally and served as consultants to leading business houses.
Advancing professional standards for over a decade, Eduork is a training development and placement organization. We address all kinds of training and certification needs of IT and non-IT technologies.
Having grown from a small group of IT and Management enthusiasts who are now industry experts, EduOrk currently serves students, professionals, educational institutions and corporate clients at a global level.
Our Intellect:
Our strong 1000+ trainer resource pool is instrumental in your skill development and building the right career path for you by delivering trainings par excellence and educating about the latest industry or and examination essentials.
All our instructors are certified or have extensive industry experience and upgraded to the latest market standards. Almost all our trainers have more than 10+ year of training and professional working experience, have conducted trainings globally and served as consultants to leading business houses.
Our Portfolio:
Our portfolio extends to over 100+ courses of IT and non-IT technologies. We have a proven training expertise in ERP SAP, Data Analytics, Cyber Security, Data Science, Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing and many more.
Our Training Solutions:
We serve the complete length and breadth of Indian and global audiences through our classroom trainings, industrial trainings, online trainings and self-paced learning platforms which are inclusive of individuals, corporate, institutions and colleges.
Our Innovations:
We believe in the freedom to learn and extend that to the training solutions chosen by you. Our live virtual classroom and self paced learning solutions are a proof to that. We have evolved our training delivery mechanism as per your need to learn on the go, at your will and your flexible schedule/time frame.
Our Admirers:
Coming with over 7+ years of training excellence, we have made a difference to thousand of learning enthusiasts around the globe. We have helped the undergraduates inch the gap between academics and industry, we have helped professionals to take the giant leap of certifications and build a promising career path, we have helped the business houses to upgrade their work force and we have helped the colleges to raise their standard curriculum to the standards expected by the industry. On the way, we have been rewarded with many admirers.
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