Some people refer to these bags as Box Bags, others call them Toiletry Bags. We think they're plain old useful bags for so many things that they shouldn't be labeled at all. You'll learn how to insert a zipper (YAY!) and square off ends!
Some people refer to these bags as Box Bags, others call them Toiletry Bags. We think they're plain old useful bags for so many things that they shouldn't be labeled at all. You'll learn how to insert a zipper (YAY!) and square off ends!
All to create a lined bag that you can use to stash a project or your art supplies or even a first aid kit. Heck, you'll be able to make these in so many shapes and sizes it's sick.
Limited to 4 students (16 yrs of age or older); 50% enrollment required for class to meet. If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, you will receive a full refund.
Part sewing studio, part fabric and yarn shop, gather here is Cambridge’s only stitch lounge, created to cater to your fiber craft goals. We believe there’s a maker in all of us just waiting to come out and play.
Whether making is part of your family tradition, a new hobby you’re dipping your toes into, or something you just do for fun (so, so much fun) we have a spot for you. We’ll even save you a seat.
A Needle N Thread is your quilting lounge, so we’re here to adapt to your needs. Whether at a beginner or advanced level, our goal is to help you improve your technique and grow your love of sewing.
Have you been searching for the perfect dress pattern but cant find it? In this class we design a dress, make a sample, fit it then sew it out of final fabrics. This class is suitable for anyone who has taken sewing 101 or has equivalent skills. Maybe you want a simple.
Come to the studio for an hour. Bring your machine (and manual if you have it) and we’ll get you on your way to sewing. The Time Is Now!
This is a bi-weekly sewing class with the project changing based on community interest. This week’s project will be: Work Aprons!
July 7th And 8th One Day Is $15 And Both For $25 Sept 15th And Sept 16th One Day Is $15 And Both For $25
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