Social media is an essential tool for companies large and small that want to connect with their target audience and grow their customer base. Digital marketing skills are in demand and provide exciting career opportunities. Learn how to develop, implement and launch a social media marketing strategy
Social media is an essential tool for companies large and small that want to connect with their target audience and grow their customer base. Digital marketing skills are in demand and provide exciting career opportunities.
Learn how to develop, implement and launch a social media marketing strategy with a hands on approach to learning.
The course provides flexibility for those in the workplace, thinking about a career change or starting up a business.
We’re a forward-thinking education provider, offering degrees in a range of traditional areas as well as emerging industries. At Box Hill Institute, we focus on future-proofing students’ careers.
The secret to our success is the unique combination of hands-on practical experience and quality education delivered at our campuses.
We provide industry-experienced and highly credentialed teachers who are uniquely equipped to give students a real-world education that prepares them for the workforce as soon as they graduate.
We offer leading facilities at our campuses in Box Hill, Lilydale and Melbourne CBD. Students undertaking a course at Box Hill Institute have access to state-of-the-art technology hubs and working training centres.
With a broad range of study areas, high-calibre educators and exceptional facilities, it is easy to see why over 10,000 students choose Box Hill Institute.
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