ThinkNEXT Technologies Private Limited is one of the leading industrial training companies that provides Software Testing Training in Chandigarh for students to build their careers in IT.
Software Quality Testing Training provides the concepts of software quality assurance and manual testing of applications. Students learn about various testing types, techniques, and methodologies.
The course ware is divided into teaching the basic concepts of software testing and then covering practical software testing with the approach of writing test cases, reporting bugs, regression testing, and test planning.
Students will learn the following concepts under our Software Testing Course - Manual Testing + QA + Bugzilla + Jira + QC, SQL + Database Testing, Basic & Advanced HP QTP / UFT 11.5, Basic & Advanced Selenium. Also will get to work on real-time projects, which will be helpful to face real-time challenges successfully in a job.
We offer 100% job-oriented courses after the 12th. Join our professional Software Testing Course in Chandigarh to expose your carrier as a software tester.
At ThinkNEXT Technologies, Software Testing Training is conducted by professionals with 10+ years of experience in this Industry. Our association with a good organization makes us capable of providing 100% job placements to the students.
Software Testing executes a program or application to find software errors (bugs, defects) and make it a quality product. Software testing is an activity to ensure that the software is defect free and to check whether the actual result matches the expected result.
Testing plays an important role in software development, as quality evaluation is crucial before it's launched into the market.
In the past, the term "software tester" was not used specifically, but later it was also seen as a separate profession. In the Software Testing profession, different roles have been established, such as test manager, test lead, test analyst, test designer, tester, automation developer, and test administrator.
Software Quality Assurance uses the following testing approaches unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, system testing, regression testing, load testing, stress testing, usability testing, and acceptance testing. Software testing can either perform manually or by using automated tools. Some methods include white box testing, black box testing, and grey box testing.
Course Contents:
- Testing Concepts
- Introduction to Test Cases and Use Cases
- Creating/Designing/Executing Test Cases
- Introduction to Test plan
- Introduction to Test Case Management System
- Bug Tracking and Reporting
- Fundamentals of Bug Tracking tool [Bugzilla]
- Bug Reporting basics
- Generating report in Bug tracking tool
- Advanced Concepts
- Introduction to Agile & SCRUM
- Difference between Desktop and Web based Application Testing
- Introduction to test planning
- Mobile Testing
- Introduction to Mobile Testing
- What is mobile application testing?
- Need of mobile application testing
- Mobile Technology
- Different Mobile OS
- Mobile devices
- Android Framework
- Emulator and Simulator
- Mobile Functional Testing with tools
- Mobile Performance testing with tools.
- Introduction to Data Base Testing
- Why back end testing is so important
- Characteristics of back end testing
- Back end testing phases
- Back end test methods
- Structural back end tests
- Database schema tests
- Stored procedure tests
- Trigger tests
- Integration tests of SQL server
- Server setup scripts
- Common bug
- Functional back end tests
- Dividing back end based on functionality
- Checking data integrity and consistency
- Login and user security
- Stress Testing
- Test back end via front end
- Benchmark testing
- Common bugs
- Testing The Nightly downloading and Distribution jobs
- Batch jobs
- Data downloading
- Data conversion
- Data distribution
- Nightly time window
- Common bugs
- Testing the Interfaces to Transaction APIS
- APIs' queries to back end
- Outputs of back end to APIs
- Other Database testing Issues
- Test tips
- Test tools
- Useful querie
- Useful querie
- Create the basic test
- Introduction to Quick Test
- Benefits of Quick Test Professional as a Test Automation Tool
- Prepare to Record
- Record and Run a Test
- The Object Repository and Object Identification
- Synchronizing Tests
- Create Tests on a Web Application
- Using Checkpoints (Web and Windows)
- Enhance Tests with Checkpoints
- Enhance Checkpoints with Parameters
- Use Regular Expressions
- Parameters and Data Driven
- Create Data-Driven tests
- Working with Actions
- Introduction to the Expert View
- Object Model in the Expert View
- Interpreting the Expert View script
- Function Libraries
- Descriptive Programming
- Recovery Scenarios
- Object Repository Custom Configuration
- Object Recognition and Smart Identification
- Advance
- Object Repository Local and Shared
- Generate Script (Settings, options, Object identification)
- Create Custom Check-Points using VB Scripting
- Linear Scripting and Test Library Architecture Framework
- Data-Driven Framework
- Keyword-Driven Framework
- Generating Scripts
- Creation of Scenarios
- Analyzing Results
- Selenium
- Java Essentials for Selenium
- Java Programming Basics
- Installing Java
- Installing Eclipse
- First Eclipse Project
- First Java program
- Concept of class file
- Datatypes in Java
- String class and functions
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Arrays
- Single Dimensional Arrays
- Two Dimensional arrays
- Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
- Operators
- What are Functions?
- Function Input Parameters
- Function Return Types
- Object-Oriented Programming in Java
- Local Variables
- Global Variables
- Static and Non-Static Variables
- Static and Non-Static Functions
- Creating Objects in Java
- Meaning of static
- Why is main method static?
- Object and Object References
- Call by reference and Value
- Overloading and Overriding Functions
- Access Modifiers – Public/Private/Default/Protected
- Constructors
- Interface
- Usage of Objects in Selenium
- Inheritance
- Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
- Creating Packages
- Accessing Classes across Packages
- What is Selenium?
- Who developed Selenium?
- Selenium Components
- Selenium IDE
- Installing Selenium IDE
- Creating your First Selenium IDE script
- How to use Locators in Selenium IDE
- How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE
- Creating and Running Tests
- Creating and Running Test Suite
- WebDriver Introduction
- Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC
- Installing Selenium WebDriver
- Architecture of selenium Webdriver
- Creating your First Script in Webdriver
- Launching AUT and Inspecting properties of Elements
- Launching AUT in FireFox
- Launching AUT in InternetExplorer
- Launching AUT in Chrome
- Launching AUT in Safari
- Inspecting properties of Elements on different Browsers
- Installing FireBug and FirePath
- Creating FireFox Profile