Improving everyday behavior is the goal, not just picking up a few great ideas you may or may not get around to using. This means training that engages individuals, taking them beyond their comfort zone, and self-limiting skill levels.
Improving everyday behavior is the goal, not just picking up a few great ideas you may or may not get around to using. This means training that engages individuals, taking them beyond their comfort zone, and self-limiting skill levels.
We don’t believe in boring participants with note taking, lengthy PowerPoint slides and zero ways to use the material immediately. It's about learning-to-do-by-doing, participating, taking risk, applying the materials on a daily basis in and out of the classroom, being accountable then reporting on your efforts to the entire class.
In a positive and reinforcing environment that encourages growth, you'll have a wide variety of opportunities to practice your communication and leadership skills.
This proven 5 session course will equip you with the essential tools you need to become an effective, charismatic leader ... in any situation. Graduates discover a significant boost in professional growth and new insights into personal effectiveness.
Improving everyday behavior is the goal, not just picking up a few great ideas you may or may not get around to using. This means training that engages individuals, taking them beyond their comfort zone, and self-limiting skill levels.
We don’t believe in boring participants with note taking, lengthy PowerPoint slides and zero ways to use the material immediately. It's about learning-to-do-by-doing, participating, taking risk, applying the materials.
On a daily basis in and out of the classroom, being accountable then reporting on your efforts to the entire class. In a positive and reinforcing environment that encourages growth, you'll have a wide variety of opportunities to practice your communication and leadership skills.
This proven 5 session course will equip you with the essential tools you need to become an effective, charismatic leader ... in any situation. Graduates discover a significant boost in professional growth and new insights into personal effectiveness.
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